“Harry Reid is disgrace. But you expect this from Harry Reid,” The Weekly Standard’s Stephen Hayes zinged on FNC’s Special Report
Friday night before turning his ire on a certain Washington, ...
Journalists are quite eager to undermine Mitt Romney’s trip. “A new diplomatic dust-up,”
CBS anchor Scott Pelley teased Monday night, citing how “Mitt Romney in
the Middle East says culture ...
CBS couldn't resist Newsweek's Romney “Wimp Factor” cover. “I just got a copy of the Newsweek
cover that’s going to be hitting the newsstands tomorrow that calls you
a ‘wimp,’” reporter Jan ...
CBS and NBC on Friday night aired full stories on the very weak 1.5
percent second quarter GDP rate, down from an anemic two percent in the
first quarter, yet – incredibly – ABC’s World News, ...
Showing a renewed concern for the interests of taxpayers, CBS put “Cost to Taxpayers” on screen Wednesday night as CBS Evening News anchor Scott Pelley worried not about the cost of ObamaCare, but ...
$150 billion. That’s “the cost to taxpayers” for President Barack
Obama’s proposal to not increase the income tax rate for those earning
less than $250,000, White House correspondent Norah ...
How cozy. Former Democratic operative turned television news host
George Stephanopoulos used his ABC News platform on Sunday to celebrate,
with Vicki Reggie Kennedy, ObamaCare’s Supreme ...
Some creative spin in favor of President Barack Obama from Chuck Todd on Tuesday’s NBC Nightly News. Recounting the results of a new NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll which puts Obama ahead of ...
Unintentionally defining irony, in the midst of trying to rationalize
news media disinterest in the “Fast & Furious” scandal by
maintaining “it’s not a political scandal” but “a scandal of ...
In February of 2008, NewsBusters first highlighted MSNBC’s Chris
Matthews oozing “I felt this thrill going up my leg” while listening to a
speech by Barack Obama. Conservatives reminding ...