
Media Research Center

‘20/20’: Convicted Child Molester a ‘Peppy Cheer-Leader, Choir Girl’

ABC’s Gutman does advocacy for Katlyn Hunt.  

ABC's Walters Contrasts Obama Marriage with Gingrich Marital Problems

During her interview with President and Mrs. Obama on Friday's 20/20, ABC's Barbara Walters made a point of contrasting GOP presidential candidate Newt Gingrich's history of marital problems with ...

ABC Touts Ron Reagan Jr.'s Alzheimer 'Revelations' About His Father for 24 Minutes Over Five Days

Over a span of five days and three programs, ABC donated 24 minutes of coverage to Ron Reagan's new book and the allegations that his father had symptoms of Alzheimer's while being President. On ...

Barbara Walters' Insightful Question to Michelle Obama: 'You Love' Barack, 'Don't You?'

Asking a wife if she loves her husband isn't exactly the most insightful question, but that's one of the softballs that Barbara Walters tossed to Michelle and Barack Obama during an hour long ...

ABC Devotes Over 60 Minutes to John Edwards, Avoids Labeling Him a Democrat

Since Friday, ABC has devoted 60 minutes to interviews covering the most salacious details of John Edwards' sex scandal. Yet, the network's anchors have refrained from referring to him as a ...

ABC's Stossel Slams Socialized Medicine, Finds Obama Expressed Interest in Single Payer System

On Friday's 20/20 on ABC, co-anchor John Stossel exposed the flaws in the Canadian and British government-run health care systems, and even showed viewers a clip of President Obama as he once ...

Reporter to 'Idol's' Lambert: 'Are You Bi-Curious?'

ABC gives you all you ever wanted to know about contestant's sexuality -- and more.

Stossel Zings Cuomo: In 'Your Family' Govt the Only Way to Help

ABC's token contrarian John Stossel appeared on Friday's Good Morning America to promote his new 20/20 special on some very politically incorrect subjects.

Diane Sawyer and 20/20 Suggest PepsiCo Responsible for Tooth Loss

In special on poverty in the Appalachians, the native Kentuckian blames soda for widespread dental problems.

ABC Special Touts Sex Changes as Normal

Barbara Walters promised she would raise the whole question of what is a man and what is a woman. She never answered the question, she just preached tolerance.
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