
Media Research Center

Obama the Compromiser vs. Pig-Headed Republicans

CBS fawns over Obama ("It seems to be all the compromising is being done by you...") while blaming Republicans for "much of the gridlock" in DC. Also, Chris Matthews suggests nominating Gingrich ...

60 Minutes Coddled Obama But Pounds Cantor from the Left as Gridlock-Causing Rigid Tea Party Ideologue

Three weeks after CBS's 60 Minutes delivered a friendly sit-down with President Barack Obama, the show didn't even attempt a matching approach to House Majority Leader Eric Cantor. Instead, Lesley ...

Andy Rooney Recognized Media's Liberalism and Espoused It Himself

Andy Rooney delivered his final commentary Sunday night at the end of 60 Minutes and while the now 92-year old curmudgeon's pieces usually dealt with non-serious topics, he should be credited for ...

CBS's Stahl Proclaims 'Stately' Al Sharpton's 'Metamorphosis'

CBS's Lesley Stahl played up how Al Sharpton apparently "has gone through something of a metamorphosis" as she spotlighted the "street-protest agitator...now trusted White House adviser" on ...

CBS Omits Waterboarding, Other Key Issues from Obama Interview

On Sunday's 60 Minutes, CBS's Steve Kroft failed to bring up key issues related to the killing of Osama bin Laden during an interview of President Obama. Most prominently, Kroft omitted the ...

60 Minutes' Safer Grills 'Right-Wing Conservative' NY Archbishop, Urges Catholic Church to be More Liberal

On Sunday's 60 Minutes, CBS correspondent Morley Safer interviewed New York Catholic Archbishop Timothy Dolan and pressed him on the his commitment to traditional Church teachings: "No question ...

CBS Marks Iraq War Anniversary by Hitting Bush Administration on WMD Intel

On Sunday's 60 Minutes on CBS, correspondent Bob Simon noted the eighth anniversary of the war in Iraq by describing how "questions still remain as to why the United States launched the war in the ...

CBS's Stahl Worries 'Mr. Hell No' John Boehner Will Be A 'Hardline Conservative' Speaker

Introducing her interview with presumptive Speaker of the House John Boehner on Sunday's 60 Minutes, CBS correspondent Lesley Stahl proclaimed: "...which John Boehner will show up as speaker, the ...

'60 Minutes' Correspondent Laments GOP Opposition to Lame-Duck Legislation

On the December 2 "Morning Joe," "60 Minutes" correspondent Lesley Stahl deplored the GOP stiff-arm to Democratic lame-duck legislation, complaining that it wiped out the conciliatory tone of the ...

CBS's Pelley Promotes Claim Supreme Court 'Stole' 2000 Election for Bush in John Paul Stevens Interview

In a softball interview with retired liberal Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens on Sunday's 60 Minutes, correspondent Scott Pelley touted Stevens's opposition to the court ruling on the 2000 ...
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