
CBS: Levi Johnston Claims May 'Shatter' Palin's 'Conservative Family Image'

Teasing an upcoming segment on Thursday's CBS Early Show about new attacks on Sarah Palin by the father of her grandson, Levi Johnston, co-host Maggie Rodriguez exclaimed: "And shocking ...

ABC Again Touts Toilet Paper-shunning Environmentalist; Downplays Liberalism

On Thursday's Good Morning America, for the third time in two years, Sam Champion interviewed an extreme environmentalist who shunned toilet paper for a year as part of a project to be carbon ...

Only ABC Highlights the Scope of How Fast Obama's Poll Numbers Are Falling

Of the three morning shows, only ABC's Good Morning America on Wednesday highlighted just how quickly and severely Barack Obama's approval ratings have fallen. In a report on the subject, ...

UAW Has Reason to Celebrate This Labor Day

Networks downplay union criticism while Obama's control of auto companies pays off for labor.

ABC Glamorizes German City With No Cars; Model for America?

On Saturday's Good Morning America, ABC touted a German city that has rid itself of all cars. Complimenting the citizens of Vauban, reporter Jim Sciutto cheered, "And residents don't mind one ...

On Anniversary of Katrina, ABC's Bill Weir Hits Bush for 'Tainted' Legacy Over Storm

On Sunday's "Good Morning America," weekend host Bill Weir highlighted the fourth anniversary of Hurricane Katrina and insisted that the storm "really tainted the Bush legacy." The GMA anchor ...
Media Research Center

Good Morning, Bias: Diane Sawyer’s Liberal Spin

For the last decade, Diane Sawyer has been a familiar face to millions of morning TV viewers as co-host of ABC’s Good Morning America. Over her lengthy career at ABC, Sawyer has repeatedly lauded ...

ABC's Jonathan Karl: The Kennedys Are 'America's Family'

ABC correspondent Jonathan Karl on Sunday hyperbolically declared that the Kennedys are "America's family." Reporting on the funeral of Ted Kennedy for Good Morning America, the reporter read a ...

Kennedy: A Case Study in Liberal Myth-Making

Covering Senator's Death, Reporters Chose to Celebrate Big Government Activism Rather than Debate It
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