
Double-Standard on Anti-ObamaCare "Mobs"

When Target Was GOP's Bush, Media Censored Radicals and Touted Protesters from "All Walks of Life"

Apostolic Visitation of American Nuns a 'Grand Jury Indictment' to ABC

How dare the Vatican concern itself with orthodoxy!

ABC Touts Insurance Industry 'Whistleblower,' Fails to Note Left-Wing Affiliation

ABC on Sunday ran a sympathetic piece on former insurance executive Wendell Potter's "personal journey from health industry insider to outsider." Good Morning America's Ron Claiborne trumpeted how ...

ABC Concedes ObamaCare Could Include Taxpayer Funding of Abortion

During Thursday's World News with Charles Gibson, ABC's Kate Snow held open the possibility that some ObamaCare opponents are correct in their belief that universal health care will include ...

Nets Compare America to 3rd World, Shocked Many Come for Free Health Care

All three broadcast networks seized on a charity's offer of free medical care in Los Angeles, arguing the arrival of many patients as a sign of how many Americans need "free health care," and even ...

ABC Links Health Care Town Hall Protesters to Hate Groups

ABC News correspondent Brian Ross tried to connect the health care town hall protesters to hate groups on Friday's GMA. Ross cited the Southern Poverty Law Center, whose left-wing political ...

CBS Silent on Clinton Comparing Bush v. Gore to Massive Corruption in Africa

Of the three major networks, only CBS has managed, thus far, to ignore controversial comments from Secretary of State Hillary Clinton that compared America's disputed election in 2000 to political ...

ABC's David Wright Spins for Obama With Lefty Health Care 'Fact Check'

On Tuesday's World News, for the second day in a row, ABC delivered a "fact check" on the health care bill, offering up perspectives sympathetic to the sweeping legislation. Confusing opinions for ...

ABC's Kate Snow Shifts Course; Notes GOP Opposition in Story on End-of-life Care

ABC's Kate Snow, who early on Monday couldn't find time to show any Republican opposition to a controversial provision in the health care plan, reversed course on World News and briefly ...

ABC Decries 'Shouting'' and 'Screaming' in One-sided Story on End-of-life Care

ABC's Good Morning America on Monday presented an extremely one-sided take on the controversial end-of-life provisions in the health care bill, decrying all the "screaming" and "shouting" at town ...
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