
ABC Uses Obama Talking Point to Counter 'Joe the Plumber'

'World News' claims 95 percent of 'small businesses' make less than $200,000 a year, though IRS says those figures are wrong.

ABC: Firearm Friendly Sarah Palin Locks and Loads Voters in Wyoming

Good Morning America reporter uses liberal group's statistics to wave the pro-gun control flag.

Greed Isn't Good, But It Isn't That Bad, Either

Media refrain used to demonize business, promote standard liberal talking points.

ABC Admits Doom-and-Gloom Gas Price Forecasts Were Wrong

Network notes lower costs, challenges experts who predicted fuel would rise to $5 a gallon.

Media Silence on Abortion Aids Radical Obama

TV reporters barely mentioned Obama's pro-abortion stance during the primaries - from the launch of his candidacy in January 2007 through the end of the primaries in June 2008, just six out of ...

ABC Won't Air Gore's Global Warming Ad

'We Campaign' petition has 79,000 signatures; claims oil and coal industry ads as reason for not airing 'Repower America' TV spot.

Media Endorse $700 Billion Economic 'Rescue'

Networks cheer market intervention, supply 'doomsday' predictions about economy without a bailout and claim it could turn a profit.

Networks Quick on AIG Scandal, Not on Fannie, Freddie

ABC, CBS and NBC evening news broadcasts highlight $440,000 executive retreat, but don't scrutinize government-sponsored boondoggles.

How 25 Years of Gay Activism in Hollywood Has Paid Off

This season, a record number of broadcast television series are featuring sympathetic homosexual characters.

ABC Addresses Debt and Personal Responsibility Head On

Economic woes trigger two segments with some refreshing straight talk about pursuing the American dream.
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