
ABC Wakes Up, Reports Gardasil Dangers

Network finally covers the negative side of the cervical cancer vaccine story.

ABC, CBS Praise Return and 'Reverse' of Harry & Louise

Broadcast networks incorrectly suggest famous opponents of universal health care now support expansion of government.

The Nanny State Diaries

Nine of the most business-hurting, freedom-hating and logic-bending regulations and bans on the books - and how the media love them.
Media Research Center

Obama's Margin of Victory: The Media

How Barack Obama Could Not Have Won the Democratic Nomination Without ABC, CBS and NBC

ABC Treats Rise in Consumer Confidence as Bad News

Network pretends only solution to inflation is job losses.

ABC Reporter Implies John McCain Has No Character

Or less character than rival Barack Obama, at least.

ABC's Gibson Guilts Exxon CEO

'World News' anchor ignores business principles, presses Rex Tillerson on 'why people are fed up, angry, indeed disgusted with the oil companies.'

Govt's 4-Day Work Week Doesn't Work

The media embrace a shorter work week without regard to taxpayers.

Network News Barely Considers Nuclear Option

Media outlets mostly ignore easy energy solution even when brought up by candidates, despite the nation's urgent power needs.

Local ABC Stations Report Gardasil Story Better than

Concerns over serious side effects prompts CDC to review the vaccine's safety.
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