
Religion in America and on the Network News

It's always interesting to see how different news organizations report the exact same information.

It's Sweeps Week -- ABC News to Focus on Sex Tonight

For 20/20 it's infidelity, for Nightline it's the merits of porn.

ABC: 'Blame' Inflation on the 'Price of Wheat'

Network ignores correlation between government mandates which have created artificial demand for bio-fuels and inflation 'spike.'

Missing: Media Criticism of OPEC

After oil spikes above $100 a barrel, condemnation of OPEC's decision to put less oil on the market nowhere to be found.

Networks Forget Raul Castro's 'Economic Reforms' Include Drug Running

ABC says younger Castro could bring changes to Cuba even though they reported he was 'head of a major cocaine smuggling conspiracy' in 1990s.

Nets Ignore Michelle Obama's Lack of Pride in America

News shows do cover Barack Obama's insignificant plagiarism spat with Hillary Clinton.

Nets Slam Gun Rights

Following the Valentine's Day shootings at NIU, the network tom-toms pounded out the familiar anti-Second Amendment beat – even taking whacks at Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton.

ABC Goes to Yale for Sex Week

Nightline co-anchor to moderate debate on porn.

Disney's Titillation and Litigation

Disney, the corporation that brought us Tinkerbell, has lawyers on staff arguing that nudity and obscenity on TV are OK.

Character, Personified

Marine Sean Stokes exemplified courage, patriotism and selflessness in winning the Silver Star in Iraq.
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