
The Medias Top 10 Economic Myths of 2007

Compiled by the Business and Media Institute

$200 Million Mortgage Plan Not Enough for Networks

Media criticize Bush plan, calling for even more 'relief' from government for irresponsible borrowers.

Economy Grew More than We Knew, but Networks Barely Notice

CBS, NBC do find time to report Bush administration's reduced growth forecast.

ABC Spanks Spanking

World News with Charles Gibson runs a propaganda piece supporting a proposed ban on the tried and true method of parental discipline.

ABC Highlights Pregnant Cancer Patient Who Rejected Abortion

Shazam! Reasonable treatment of a social issue by a major network twice in the same day!

A Silver Lining to High Oil Prices

GMA calls foreign investment of oil profits into American businesses an 'unusual source' for U.S. economic relief.

ABC's Sawyer: Huckabee's 'Heavy Handed' Ad Plays 'Religion Card'

Did Huckabee 'cross the line' with an ad calling himself a 'Christian Leader?'

'Revolutionary' Stem Cell Research Breakthrough Gets Skeptical Treatment from ABC

Holy Grail story gets buried half-way through the newscast.

Did Someone Say Pray? Bring on the Atheist Rebuttal!

ABC ridicules Georgia governor Sonny Perdue for asking God to relieve a drought.
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