12/6/2007 6:21 PM ET
Compiled by the Business and Media Institute
12/6/2007 3:57 PM ET
Media criticize Bush plan, calling for even more 'relief' from government for irresponsible borrowers.
11/30/2007 11:38 AM ET
CBS, NBC do find time to report Bush administration's reduced growth forecast.
11/29/2007 1:00 AM ET
World News with Charles Gibson runs a propaganda piece supporting a proposed ban on the tried and true method of parental discipline.
11/29/2007 1:00 AM ET
Shazam! Reasonable treatment of a social issue by a major network twice in the same day!
11/28/2007 11:27 AM ET
GMA calls foreign investment of oil profits into American businesses an 'unusual source' for U.S. economic relief.
11/27/2007 1:00 AM ET
Did Huckabee 'cross the line' with an ad calling himself a 'Christian Leader?'
11/21/2007 1:00 AM ET
Holy Grail story gets buried half-way through the newscast.
11/13/2007 1:00 AM ET
ABC ridicules Georgia governor Sonny Perdue for asking God to relieve a drought.