ABC's World News stood out as the sole Big Three evening newscast on Wednesday to not cover the release of Lois Lerner's e-mails, where the former top IRS official slammed conservatives as ...
On Tuesday, July 29, NBC Nightly News was the only network evening newscast to highlight criticism of Secretary of State John Kerry following his inability to broker a cease-fire between ...
Nightline co-anchor Dan Harris on Monday night mocked Sarah Palin for her new internet channel and falsely identified the conservative as "the woman who says she can see Russia from her house." ...
On Saturday, July 26, federal judge Frederick J. Scullin Jr. ruled that Washington D.C.’s ban on carrying a gun in public was unconstitutional and since the decision the “big three” networks have ...
Over the weekend, leaders from the House and Senate Veterans Affairs Committees reached an agreement on legislation to reform the troubled Department of Veterans Affairs with the full details ...
On Friday, both ABC’s Good Morning America and NBC’s Today ignored the news that Meriam Ibrahaim, a Sudanese woman who was sentenced to death in Sudan for converting from Islam to Christianity and ...
While all three networks denounced the shelling of a U.N. school in Gaza
on Thursday, NBC, ABC and CBS all failed to report on similar U.N.
schools in the war-torn territory being used to hide ...
Both ABC World News with Diane Sawyer and NBC Nightly News on Thursday evening failed to mention a new, troubling report from the Census Bureau on Thursday night that sales of new homes decreased ...
ABC, CBS, and NBC's morning and evening newscasts have yet to cover the dire situation of Christians in Iraq, particularly after ISIS's takeover of the key city of Mosul. The Islamic extremist ...