American Morning

'American Morning' Says Immigration Status Verification Would Drive Businesses Under

CNN's Jason Carroll promotes illegal immigration and 'reform' arguing that it is necessary for farms, other industry.

Ford Had a Better Idea: No Bailout

As U.S. car manufacturer 'stuns' Wall Street with 3Q profits, some media forget to report Ford didn't take government cash.

CNN's Velshi: Federal Reserve Board is 'Late to the Party'

Media continue to question Fed after interest rate cut and speculate about recession.

NBC Drives Recession Fears with R.V. Story

'Nightly News' warns that fewer 'mini-mansions on wheels' mean an economic breakdown is dead ahead.

NBC Misleads about Housing Problems

Network claims 'All 20 Cities' in Decline, but CNN shows 'almost 5 percent' gains in Seattle and Charlotte.

CNN 'Fit Nation' Force Feeds Big Helping of Government

Dr. Sanjay Gupta promotes Los Angeles 'health' zoning that would prohibit new fast-food restaurants.

CNN Warns: 'Don't Eat Your iPhone'

Medical correspondent Gupta warns Apple's iPhone and iPod products contain traces of dangerous chemicals.

CNN Contradicts Itself on 'Danger' of Energy Drinks

'American Morning' worries about 'wildly popular' beverages, but Dr. Gupta says 'safe.'

'Going Green' Puts Business in the Red

Media praise businesses for eco-attitudes, but overlook hefty cost.

CNN's Chetry: If the Fires Don't Take It, 'Insurance Companies Just Might'

Even before the last California fire has been put out, 'American Morning' launches assault on business.
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