American Morning

'Mother of All Tax Hikes' Not Exactly Reaganite Reform

CNN graphic calls Democrat's plan 'tax reform,' but anchor asks tough questions about tax hikes.

'American Morning' Criticizes Southwest Airlines for Not Allowing Offensive T-Shirt

CNN leaves out airline policies regarding Floridian's suggestive shirt that 'uses sexual double entendre to promote a fictional fishing tackle shop.'

'American Morning' Praises Disgusting 'Produce Paradise' Music Video

CNN's Chetry applauds it for 'pretty good editing,' despite outlandish attack on business.

CNN's Velshi Misstates Exxon Earnings

'American Morning' team complains the oil company is doing better than the S&P average.

'American Morning' Offers Another Gloomy Housing Forecast

Reporter calls Realtors' prediction 'optimistic' and labels forecast of no real recovery until 2009 'respected.'

CNN Tells One Side of BENGAY-Related Tragedy

Mother blames manufacturer and calls for regulation, but other reports mention warning signs and other contributing factors.

CNN's O'Brien Hits Clinton on AIDS Spending

'American Morning' anchor criticized former president, showcased Sen. Barack Obama's call to spend $1 billion more than Bush.
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