ashley parker

Media Research Center

NYT Reporter: Why Does Netflix Documentary Show 'Human, Warm Side' of Romney That His Campaign Could Not?

During a report on Wednesday's NBC Today about an upcoming Netflix documentary of Mitt Romney's two presidential runs, New York Times reporter Ashley Parker scratched her head over the footage ...
Media Research Center

NYT's Parker: Poor Jilted Obama 'Wined and Dined' the 'Bad Date' GOP Congress, Gotten 'Nothing in Return'

Congressional reporter Ashley Parker, almost ignoring the burgeoning scandals overwhelming the White House this week, focused on poor abandoned Obama in a clip: "I mean, if I were him, ...
Media Research Center

NY Times' Parker on 'Nasty' Immigration Debate and Sen. Jim DeMint, the 'Smiling Assassin'

Times reporter Ashley Parker: "...[Sen. Jim] DeMint] earned a reputation as something of a smiling assassin -- a mild-mannered legislator with a soft Southern drawl who could be a ...
Media Research Center

New York Times Hypes 'Several Tens of Thousands of Immigrants' in DC Rally, Escaping the 'Shadows'

The Times uses odd phrasing to hype the crowd figure for a rally for illegal immigrants in Washington as "several tens of thousands of immigrants," while an editorial headline captures the paper's ...
Media Research Center

The New York Times Stands With Rand -- On Amnesty for Illegal Immigrants, Anyway

Ashley Parker and Michael Shear stand with Rand, at least on immigration: "Republican sentiment for a more liberal immigration policy has been building in the aftermath of last year’s election. ...
Media Research Center

More New York Times Happy Talk on Amnesty for Illegal Immigrants

Barack Obama simply can do no wrong. Reporter Ashley Parker: "As senators gathered Wednesday for the first hearing on the proposed sweeping changes in immigration law, they said the president’s ...
Media Research Center

Sunday New York Times Full of 'Far Right' Labels for Congressional Republicans

From Sunday's New York Times. Jeff Zeleny: "The biggest donors in the Republican Party are financing a new group to recruit seasoned candidates and protect Senate incumbents from challenges ...
Media Research Center

Sunday New York Times Full of 'Far Right' Labels for Congressional Republicans

Jeff Zeleny: "The biggest donors in the Republican Party are financing a new group to recruit seasoned candidates and protect Senate incumbents from challenges by far-right conservatives and ...
Media Research Center

New York Times Forwards Helpful Tips on Pushing Immigration 'Reform'

Ashley Parker's cheery piece on immigration "reform" was marked with labeling bias, pitting opponents as "conservatives" and "the right," up against unlabeled supporters of amnesty proposals ...
Media Research Center

Some Nerve: NYT Finally Covers March for Life, Only to Bury It Under Story Chiding Marchers for Not Being Anti-Gun

After five years of ignoring it, the New York Times finally acknowledged the annual March for Life with a story this year -- only to bury it on page 9, underneath a story criticizing the ...
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