NYT's Ashley Parker hits Romney on faith and obscure state government issues to suggest he's racially suspect: "In recent national polls, Mr.
Obama still overwhelming leads Mr. Romney among ...
New York Times reporter Ashley Parker: "That and other statements left
the Romney campaign to fend off questions about the candidate’s views on
that long-discredited accusation and whether he ...
Parker and Kantor tag-team Mitt Romney on alleged anti-gay high-school bullying from a half-century ago: "The day after President Obama
endorsed gay marriage, Mitt Romney found himself ...
Mitt Romney's campaign reporter for the Times, Ashley Parker, reviews the primary as it wind down: "...frankly, most of us who have been there since the beginning
find the rap on Mr. Romney that ...
Another phony New York Times story suggesting women's issues like abortion and contraception are hurting the GOP: Reporter Ashley Parker ignores inconvenient findings from the paper's own poll ...
Times reporter Ashley Parker, on the Romney campaign trail, used an
out-of-context remark by Mitt Romney to rehash Romney’s list of rich-guy
campaign gaffes.