
Dobbs vs. Kudlow: CNN Host Trashes Rival's Presence at Obama Dinner

'Lou Dobbs Tonight' host bases criticism on old quotes; Dem. Strategist says Kudlow only belonged as the hired help.

Cutting Obama's Treasury Pick Slack on Taxes

No scandal for Obama nominee Tim Geithner, tax scofflaw: "Geithner's Mistake on Tax Is Common, Experts Say."

Janet Napolitano, Obama's Brilliant Homeland Security Pick

Gushing over Obama pick Napolitano: "She is a 51-year-old self-described nerd who, despite a less-than-electrifying public persona, privately quotes lines from Monty Python movies, extols the ...

The Times' Middle East "Experts" All Lean Against Israel

Mark Landler employed emotional rhetoric while painting the U.S. as a knee-jerk proponent of whatever Israel does: "All agree that with Gaza in flames, the United States needs to make a renewed ...

Dear Washington Times: Rhetoric of 'Doom'

President-elect is following common political practice of keeping the populace 'alarmed' while talking about the need for a stimulus package.

Drooling Over Obama's "Chiseled Pecs"

Volume 22, Number 1

Paul 'It's Never Enough' Krugman Strikes Again

Columnist says stimulus inadequate, shouldn't have tax cuts.

CNN Offers Populist's 'Pros and Cons' Instead of Balance

'American Morning' provides one columnist's perspective of President-elect's stimulus plan.

Medicare Trims Suddenly Not So Scary When Obama Proposes Them

Plus Falling for French Prank & Liberal Snobbery on the Loose

A Tale of Two Medicare Reforms: Obama's Benign "Overhaul" vs. GOP's Scary "Big Cuts"

A lead story by Jeff Zeleny and John Harwood shows that the Times has lost its false fear of "big cuts" in Medicare when they're proposed by Barack Obama.
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