
The Times Finally Finds a "Furor" Around an Obama Pastor

Not the anti-American Rev. Jeremiah Wright, but the anti-gay marriage Rev. Rick Warren.

An Obama Inauguration Pick the Left Can Love

Networks pile on Rev. Rick Warren, ignore poet Elizabeth Alexander.

Joy Behar: Obama Picking Rick Warren Like 'Cheney in Charge of Gun Control'

View co-hosts analyze president-elect's choice of pastor for inaugural invocation.

Times Watch Quotes of Note 2008 - The NYT's Worst Quotes of the Year

The New York Times' embrace of Barack Obama's candidacy, and its fervent defense of him against John McCain's "racist" and unfair attacks, made 2008 a particularly bias-packed year for the paper. ...

Integrity of Interior Department Compromised By Bush

Reporter John Broder portrays Ken Salazar as a Cabinet official who must clean up the mess made by Bush: "He will be expected to restore scientific integrity to a department where it has ...

Taking the Federal Government to Kindergarten

Education reporter Sam Dillon only talks to liberals who argue that massive pre-school spending by the federal government would be a wise investment: "...experts are debating how best to improve ...

Unhealthy Eagerness for More Government Health Care

Kevin Sack crosses his fingers for government-run health care: "If a broad swath of Americans feel destabilized enough by health costs, their demands for relief could help marginalize the kind of ...

The Myth of "Pragmatic" Clinton vs. "Incurious" George

Presenting Bill Clinton, the "pragmatic" president who pushed for overseas abortion funding and gays in the military.

The Media's Top 10 Worst Economic Myths of 2008

BMI's collection of outrageous economic bias for the entire year: From the salmonella outbreak to the media's call for a new, New Deal.

Liberal Snob Egan Angry at "No Good" Joe the Plumber's Book Deal

Timothy Egan: "Joe, a k a Samuel J. Wurzelbacher, was no good as a citizen, having failed to pay his full share of taxes, no good as a plumber, not being fully credentialed, and not even any good ...
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