Lame excuse for Obama from Michael Falcone: "After Sept. 11, 2001, [Rev. Jeremiah] Wright delivered a sermon suggesting that the terrorist attacks were a consequence of American foreign policy. ...
Katharine Seelye underlines McCain's alleged racial appeals: "As the Republicans try to map out ways in which Mr. McCain could pull off an upset, they see fertile ground in some enclaves in ...
For the second day in a row, the Times goes into defensive mode over radically anti-Israel professor and Obama pal Rashid Khalidi, who has defended killing Israeli soldiers in the name of ...
Reporter Elisabeth Bumiller lingered lovingly over a McCain campaign flub involving no-show Joe the Plumber, a story accompanied by a photo of McCain talking only to himself. Obama, by contrast, ...
The Times is still spreading the myth of Republican Sen. Saxby Chambliss's 2002 ad against Democratic hero Sen. Max Cleland, and looking toward a Chambliss loss in Georgia next week.