
Meet the Press: 'Debt Slayer' Obama Willing to Compromise, GOP Just Saying No

During the roundtable discussion on Sunday's NBC Meet the Press, liberal Washington Post columnist Eugene Robinson claimed the fight over the debt ceiling would be a political "winner" for ...

Meet Barack Obama, Newly Minted Budget Hero

Suddenly, Barack Obama is a budgetary hero and Republicans are the timid ones. The opening to Mark Landler's front-page story: "President Obama tried on Sunday to revive the chances for a sweeping ...

Mangling Mitt Romney's 'Flip-Flop' on Economic Progress Under Obama

Fueled by Democratic press releases, the Times harps on an alleged flub by Republican front-runner Mitt Romney: "And in the past few days, [focus] has revolved around three words in particular: ...

MSNBC: Leaning Left for 15 Long Years - A Year-by-Year Video Retrospective

On Thursday night MSNBC's cast and crew gathered in Washington D.C. to celebrate their network being on the air for 15 long years. The following collection of the worst MSNBC quotes, year-by-year, ...

Fareed Zakaria Praises Obama's Mideast Foreign Policy 'Restraint'

CNN foreign affairs analyst Fareed Zakaria ' who has recently had off-the-record conversations with President Obama on foreign issues ' noted the president's "restraint" in his dealing with the ...

Frank Rich Takes on 'Elitist' Obama From the Left

Former Times columnist Frank Rich snaps at Obama from the left, from the front of New York magazine: "The bigger political problem is that a far larger share of the American electorate views him ...

Jake Tapper Concedes Media's Bias on Obama Medal of Honor Gaffe, Double Standard on Bachmann

ABC White House correspondent Jake Tapper appeared on the June 27 edition of Dennis Miller's radio show and conceded to a media blackout of Barack Obama's Medal of Honor gaffe. (The President ...

ABC Chides Money-'Obsessed' Candidates' Fourth of July, Gushed Over Obama in 2007

Good Morning America's John Berman on Tuesday offered a condescending, dismissive take on how the money "obsessed" presidential candidates spent their Fourth of July. Yet, four years ago, the same ...

Tea Party Congressman to CNN's Spitzer: Press Must Stop Protecting Obama

Conservative Congressman Joe Walsh of Illinois twice called out the media for protecting President Obama on Thursday night's In the Arena, and told host Eliot Spitzer to his face that "you're ...

NBC: Republicans 'Strike Back' at Obama and 'Made it Unusually Personal'

While NBC's Today on Thursday characterized President Obama's attacks on congressional Republicans as "feisty," on Friday, correspondent Kelly O'Donnell appeared on the broadcast and declared that ...
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