
After Predicting No Israeli Objections to Obama's Mideast Speech, CNN's Zakaria Hits Netanyahu for Objecting

After proclaiming that he would be "surprised if anyone in Israel" objected to Obama's Middle East speech, CNN's Fareed Zakaria ripped Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu for his refusal to ...

Times Dead Wrong on 'Failure' of Netanyahu's U.S. Trip

"Israelis See Netanyahu Trip as Diplomatic Failure" reads the headline over Ethan Bronner's slanted story from Jerusalem. He apparently means a failure among Israeli liberal newspaper columnists, ...

Media Throw a Fit Over 'Rude' Netanyahu 'Lecturing' Obama

For many in the media Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu's reaction to Barack Obama insistence that his country return to the 1967 borders was out of bounds. ABC's Christiane Amanpour declared she was ...

Former Reporter Whines U.S. 'Least Generous' Industrial Nation - But He Means Social Programs

Eduardo Porter, former Times economics reporter turned editorial board member, whines about America's lack of "generosity and compassion," which he dubiously defines as America's relatively low ...

Andrea Mitchell, Guest Scold GOP 2012 Hopefuls for Disagreeing with Obama on Israel

In lockstep with Atlantic's Jeffrey Goldberg, who scolded Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to "please don't speak to my President that way," MSNBC anchor Andrea Mitchell cautioned of the ...

CBS's Stahl Proclaims 'Stately' Al Sharpton's 'Metamorphosis'

CBS's Lesley Stahl played up how Al Sharpton apparently "has gone through something of a metamorphosis" as she spotlighted the "street-protest trusted White House adviser" on ...

NBC's Mitchell Admonishes 'Really Rude' Netanyahu for Treating Obama 'Like a School Boy'

At the end of Sunday's Meet the Press, NBC chief foreign affairs correspondent Andrea Mitchell scolded Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for daring to criticize President Obama's call for ...

Giddy NBC: 'Irish Eyes Are Smiling' on Obama and His 'Community Organizer' Ancestors

On Monday's Today on NBC, correspondent Norah O'Donnell excitedly touted President Obama's stop in Ireland on his latest European trip as she proclaimed: "The Irish eyes are smiling today as this ...

Reporter: Shame Netanyahu and Conservatives Ignoring Obama's 'Nuances' on Palestinians

Steven Lee Myers painted Israel's PM Netanyahu as stubborn in the face of Obama's reasonable "peace" offer: "Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel told President Obama on Friday that he ...

CNN's Costello Dedicates Whole Segment to Defending Obama from the Left

While President Obama has been hit by black leftists for failing to help unemployed African-Americans, CNN anchor Carol Costello offered an impassioned defense of the president Friday morning, ...
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