
CNN's Zakaria Reveals He Advises President Obama On Foreign Policy

CNN's Fareed Zakaria, host of the weekend show Fareed Zakaria GPS and editor-at-large for Time magazine, admitted on CNN Thursday that he has been advising President Obama on foreign policy matters.

Tavis Smiley Trashes GOP Presidential Field: 'You Can't Beat Somebody With Nobody'

PBS's Tavis Smiley offered his own half-baked assumptions Friday on the 2012 GOP presidential contenders. The far-left anchor dismissed the GOP field as a bunch of nobodies on the 9 a.m. EDT hour ...

CNN Deflects Scrutiny Away from Rapper's Violent Lyrics, Dismisses Controversy Over White House Invite

On Thursday morning, CNN largely dismissed the controversy over the White House invite of rapper Common, using talking points from the White House and Comedy Central's Daily Show to marginalize ...

ABC's Jake Tapper: Rapper Who Called for Burning George W. Bush 'Is Not Particularly Controversial'

According to Good Morning America reporter Jake Tapper, a rapper who called for the burning of George W. Bush "is not particularly controversial." The artist, known as Common, has repeatedly ...

NYT Respects Lefty Catholic Attack on Boehner, But Obama Abortion Protests 'High-Pitched Indignation,' 'Not Even Catholic'

Double standard: Religion reporter Laurie Goodstein treats liberal Catholics with respect as they attack Speaker John Boehner on the eve of his speech at the Catholic University of America: ...

Obama's 'Deliberate, Almost Scholarly, Approach' to His Middle East Muddle

"At night in the family residence, an adviser said, Mr. Obama often surfs the blogs of experts on Arab affairs or regional news sites to get a local flavor for events. He has sounded out prominent ...

CBS Plays Up Obama's Mockery of GOP on Border Security, No Opposing Clip

On Wednesday's Early Show. CBS's Bill Plante highlighted President Obama's recent mockery against Republicans on border security, but omitted playing an opposing clip from a GOP politico. The ...

CNN: 'Is It Time for the GOP to Blink When It Comes to Tax Hikes?'

CNN's Jack Cafferty hinted Monday that despite Republican opposition to tax hikes, the extra revenue could help the country. Then on Tuesday morning, anchor Carol Costello framed Republicans as ...

Jackie Calmes' Credulous Take on Obama's Politically Motivated Amnesty Push

While ABC questioned Obama's facts, Times reporter Jackie Calmes offered no challenges: "President Obama came to this border city on Tuesday to argue that he is doing his part to crack down on ...
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