
Bozell Column: Media Credit for Bush?

With Osama bin Laden vanquished, Obama made no generous bow to George W. Bush. Neither did the media, despite their past vile suggestions of collusion between Team Bush and al-Qaeda.

NPR Boosts Obama: Bin Laden Death Political 'Game Changer'

On Monday and Tuesday, NPR played up how Osama Bin Laden's death might translate into a political win for President Obama. Mara Liasson trumpeted the "huge victory" for the President and ...

Times Brushes Aside Inconvenient OBL Fact: Intelligence Originated at Gitmo

While praising Obama's "strong and measured" leadership in the killing of Osama bin Laden, the Times editorial page feigns ignorance on how the necessary tips came to be, contradicting its own ...

On Osama's Death Day, Chris Matthews Waits Just 43 Seconds to Launch Into Another Birther Rant

Chris Matthews' obsession with birthers didn't take a break on the day after the killing of Osama bin Laden. Only 43 seconds into Monday's show on the terrorist, the Hardball anchor connected, ...

John Broder Provides Obama Political Cover Over High Gas Prices

The Times wasn't so nearly as sanguine about supply and demand when Democrats were attacking President Bush over high gas prices in 2006: "Exxon Mobil, the world's largest oil company, said it ...

Joy Behar Exploits Birther Debate to Slam Swift Boat Vet 'Lies'

Apparently, the Left will never get over John Kerry's loss in the 2004 presidential election. On Thursday's Joy Behar Show, Joy Behar used a discussion of the "birther" claims against Barack Obama ...

'Confused' Chuck Todd: Don't Blame Obama for Rising Gas Prices

MSNBC's Chuck Todd rattled off a list of reasons to explain the sharp rise in the price of oil ' none of which included Barack Obama's offshore drilling moratorium ' and was "confused" about why ...

Chris Matthews Smears: 'Haters' Now 'Have a Party to Call All Their Own, the GOP'

MSNBC anchor Chris Matthews on Thursday continued to obsess over his favorite issue, the birthers. He excoriated the Republican Party, smearing that the "haters" now "have a party to call all ...

CBS and MSNBC Both Falsely Claim Obama First President to Have Citizenship Questioned

Both CBS Evening News anchor Katie Couric and MSNBC host Andrea Mitchell incorrectly asserted that President Obama is the only President in U.S. history who has had his citizenship doubted. In ...

NBC Uses Left-Wing Hollywood Fantasy to Cheerlead for Obama

In a report designed to separate fact from fiction on Wednesday's NBC Nightly News, White House correspondent Savannah Guthrie decided to blur fantasy and reality as she compared President Obama's ...
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