
Media Research Center

Befuddled by Benghazi, Top Political Reporters Admit Irrelevancy to Uncovering Obama Admin Dishonesty

My alternate headline for this item: “NBC’s Today Show on Benghazi: ‘There Are So Many Issues the Country Faces. This Is One of Them.’” That dismissive attitude came from ABC News veteran Mark ...
Media Research Center

ABC Commits Journalism, Investigates 'Not True' White House Statements on Libya and Editing of Documents

ABC journalist Jon Karl actually followed up on Wednesday's Benghazi hearings, exposing that CIA talking points on the September 11, 2012 terrorist attack were "dramatically edited" a total of 12 ...
Media Research Center

After Editor's Lecture, New York Times Still Framing Benghazi Through Partisan Prism

Once again, the New York Times takes the national security scandal over Benghazi and tries to reduce it to a partisan Republican issue: "For months, House Republicans have been pressing Mr. ...
Media Research Center

CNN Gives 30 Times More Coverage to Tabloid Stories Than Benghazi Hearing

On Wednesday evening, CNN barely covered the congressional hearing on the Benghazi attack from earlier that afternoon. Instead, the network provided wall-to-wall coverage of the Jodi Arias ...
Media Research Center

Benghazi Hearing Only Gets Second Place Billing on Network Evening Newscasts

The evening news broadcasts on NBC, ABC, and CBS on Wednesday all offered full reports on the compelling congressional testimony regarding the Benghazi terrorist attack, but only after all ...
Media Research Center

MSNBC's Hayes Gloats Over Kidnapping and Murder Stories Preempting Benghazi Media Coverage

On Wednesday's All In show, MSNBC host Chris Hayes was gleeful over media coverage of the Benghazi hearings being preempted by both the story of three girls kidnapped and held prisioner for a ...
Media Research Center

Investigate Benghazi

At least five major bombshell revelations emerged yesterday during the House Oversight Committee’s hearing on the September 11, 2012 terrorist attack in Benghazi, Libya.
Media Research Center

Morning Shows Binge on Tabloid Criminal Trials: 56 Minutes vs. 7 for Benghazi Hearings

The network morning shows on Thursday went into tabloid overdrive for the Jodi Arias verdict and an abduction case in Ohio, offering a staggering 56 minutes of coverage. In contrast, NBC, CBS and ...
Media Research Center

NY Times Puts Benghazi Hearings in Lead Slot, Finds Both Obama 'Intimidation' and 'Political Spectacle'

A lead Times story on the Benghazi congressional hearings admitted that they "offered an unbecoming view of political supervision and intimidation inside the Obama administration," but also ...
Media Research Center

NYT Public Editor Says Paper Playing Down Benghazi; Dismissive Hearing Coverage Vindicates Her Concern

The New York Times' public editor criticizes her paper's Benghazi coverage: " sense is that, starting last fall, The Times has had a tendency to both play down the subject, which has ...
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