In an interview with former Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld on Tuesday's NBC Today,
co-host Matt Lauer tried to dismiss the growing Benghazi scandal: "Do
you think that the administration ...
While Monday's NBC Nightly News was content to accept President
Obama labeling the Benghazi scandal as a "political circus" worthy of
ridicule, on Fox News Channel's Special Report, chief ...
Times reporter Jonathan Weisman keeps his journalistic priorities in order -- harsh Republican partisanship over the substance of their actual accusations: "President Obama, facing re-energized ...
Public editor Margaret Sullivan criticized her paper's soft coverage of the Obama scandals in Benghazi and the Internal Revenue Service: "Many
on the right -- as noted last week in my blog posts ...
On Friday's All In show, MSNBC host Chris Hayes began by recounting the news of the "big, bad, scary" scandal of President' Obama's IRS targeting conservative groups, but also chided Republicans ...
On Friday's Politics Nation on MSNBC, which was dominated by coverage of the kidnappings in Cleveland, Ohio, host Al Sharpton took a moment to note the Benghazi scandal as he accused Republicans ...
In an interview with House Oversight Committee Chairman Darrell Issa on
Sunday's Meet the Press, host David Gregory attempted to dismiss the
growing Benghazi scandal for the Obama ...
During a report on Monday's NBC Today about the Benghazi and
IRS scandals wracking the Obama administration, a headline on screen
wondered if they were the result of "Obama's Second Term ...
Disgraced CBS Evening News anchor Dan Rather says President Obama can't "make nice" with Republicans because they aim to "cut his heart out and throw his liver to the dogs," while MSNBC's Mika ...
Asked on Sunday’s Reliable Sources if the wider media dismissed the Weekly Standard
story, by Stephen Hayes about the Benghazi talking points getting
altered to take out any references to ...