
CNN Frets Over 'Crime' of Gov't Shutdown's Impact on Washington Museums, National Parks

Along with other institutions and people who will be impacted by a government shutdown, CNN spotlighted, throughout the day Thursday, the "grave" plight of museums and parks that may be forced to ...

NBC's Gregory Asks Rep. Hoyer About Dem Strategy to 'Cast Republicans as Extremists'

In an interview with Democratic Maryland Congressman Steny Hoyer on NBC's Today, Meet the Press host David Gregory, filling in for Matt Lauer, asked: "I wonder, as a Democratic leader, whether ...

ABC Continues to Gush Over Kennedy Family, Including 'Critical' Role of 'Senate Lion' Ted

Good Morning America on Friday continued to demonstrate a fascination with the Kennedy family, highlighting Ted Kennedy and his "critical" role as a "politician and a leader." Co-host George ...

Paul Begala Demonizes Paul Ryan as the 'Dr. Kevorkian of Medicare'

Trashing Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wisc.) as "Dr. Kevorkian," CNN political contributor Paul Begala condemned the congressman's bold proposal to revamp Medicare in his latest op-ed for If the GOP ...

Video: Media Fawned Over 'Grown Up,' 'Adult' Obama vs. 'Childish' Tea Party

Prior to this week, President Obama had been so detached from the budget debate that some in his own party have openly criticized him for failing to lead. Yet when the President parachuted into ...

ABC's Tapper Boasts of Giving Anti-Shutdown Talking Point to President Obama

Instead of being embarrassed by how their story generated a talking point for the President to use in a partisan political battle, ABC on Thursday night boasted of how President Obama cited Jake ...

NPR Leans Toward Democrats 7 to 3 on Federal Budget Showdown

NPR's Ari Shapiro slanted towards President Obama and two of his Democratic allies in Congress on Thursday's Morning Edition on the continuing battle over the federal budget, playing seven ...

ABC Grills Boehner, a 'Hostage' to the Tea Party, on Whether He Can Avoid the 'Fate' of Gingrich

According to World News' Diane Sawyer, House Speaker John Boehner is being "held hostage" by the Tea Party. Over two days and two shows, Sawyer and interviewer George Stephanopoulos hit the ...

MSNBC's Brewer Denounces GOP Bill to Fund Military Paychecks

As the prospect of a government shutdown continued to make headlines on Thursday, MSNBC's Contessa Brewer accused Republicans of exploiting servicemen's paychecks for political gain, even though ...

Media Dust Off 1995 Shutdown Playbook of Cliches to Cover Budget Fight

As a potential government shutdown looms the liberal media are filling their programs with stories about dire consequences of deep cuts that will lead to troops not getting paid, closed national ...
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