
MSNBC's Matthews Rants: Paul Ryan's Plan Will 'Kill Half the People Who Watch This Show'

While discussing Paul Ryan's plan for Medicare on Monday, Hardball host Chris Matthews smeared the Republican congressman, trashing his idea as something that is "going to kill half the people who ...

The NYT's Tale of Two Medicare Plans: Obama's Painless 'Savings' vs. the GOP's 'Shrinking'

According to New York Times reporter Jackie Calmes, Obama will find harmless "savings" in Medicare, while the GOP threatens to "shrink" the program: "The Republican plan includes a shrinking of ...

Cocky Chris Matthews Slams 2012 GOP Candidates as a 'Dog Pound' and a 'Pig Pen'

A cocky Chris Matthews on Monday dismissed the possible 2012 Republican presidential nominees as a "dog pound" and a "pig pen." The Hardball host briefly mentioned candidates such as Mitt Romney ...

Eliot Spitzer Creepily Exploits Military Family's Financial Troubles for Political Gain

Just hours before a last-minute deal was struck between Republicans and Democrats to prevent a government shutdown, CNN's Eliot Spitzer did some politicking of his own on Friday's In the Arena.

Mika Brzezinski: Rich White Men Need to Contribute More to Budget Solution

Emphasizing that all but one of the top 30 income earners in the United States are white males, Mika Brzezinski clamored that it is time for the wealthy to pay their fair share and help solve the ...

CBS and NBC Highlight Energetic Obama 'Barely Pausing' as He Looks for Deficit Reductions

Both NBC and CBS on Monday highlighted footage of Barack Obama at the Lincoln memorial on Saturday as they portrayed a President ready to cut the deficit. In the wake of an averted government ...

CNBC's Erin Burnett on National Debt: 'The Problem is Our Revenue'

Appearing on Monday's NBC Today to discuss the debate over reducing the nation's debt, CNBC host Erin Burnett declared to co-host Matt Lauer: "The problem is our revenue, what the government takes ...

Journalists Denounce Ryan for Not Raising Taxes: 'Rich Get Off Like Scoundrels,' Slam Tea Party as 'Far Right' Impediment

A round-up from over the weekend of journalists denouncing Republican Congressman Paul Ryan for not including a big tax hike in his deficit-reduction plan and discrediting the Tea Party's pressure ...

ABC's Amanpour Warns GOP's 'Wind in Their Sail' from Budget 'Victory' Could Hurt Future Negotiations

Appearing on Sunday's Good Morning America on ABC, This Week host Christiane Amanpour suggested that Republican House Speaker John Boehner's perceived victory in recent budget negotiations with ...

CBS Goes to Statue of Liberty to Hype Shutdown's 'Ripple Effect'

On Friday's Early Show, CBS's Betty Nguyen used the Statue of Liberty as a live backdrop to play up how "visitors would miss out on the Smithsonian and its 19 museums...even the National Zoo" if ...
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