
Video: Opening Segment from Hannity's 'Behind the Bias: The History of Liberal Media'

On Friday night, the Fox News Channel debuted a Hannity special, 'Behind the Bias: The History of Liberal Media.' The hour began with what Sean Hannity described as "how and why this bias began," ...

Penitent CNN Anchor Confesses 'Eco-Sins' for Earth Day

In a bizarre wrap-up to the 2 p.m. EDT hour of CNN Newsroom on Thursday, anchor T.J. Holmes confessed his "eco-sins" to the audience. Commemorating the eve of "Earth Day," Holmes admitted to his ...

ABC Spins Soaring Gas Prices as a Weapon to Bash the GOP, Ignores Potential Problems for Obama

While the morning show hosts on NBC and CBS showcased the looming political threat of high gas prices for Barack Obama, ABC, Friday, simply repeated White House talking points and explained how ...

Today Show Features GOP vs Dem Fight Over Styrofoam Cups in Capitol Cafeteria

As part of Green is Universal week, NBC's Kelly O'Donnell highlighted a fight between Republicans and Democrats over the use of Styrofoam in the House cafeterias. On Thursday's Today show, ...

Friday Night on the Fox News Channel: 'Behind the Bias: The History of Liberal Media'

Tonight (Friday) the Fox News Channel will air a Hannity special, in his usual time slot, 'Behind the Bias: The History of Liberal Media.' The promo declares: "Double standards? Groundless ...

Chris Matthews Trashes Tea Partiers: They Want to Cut Medicaid Because It Helps the 'Poor' and 'Minorities'

For the second day in a row, MSNBC's Chris Matthews excoriated the Tea Party, trashing them as supporting cuts in Medicaid because that's a program for "poor people." On Thursday's Hardball, ...

NPR: Arizona 'Dropped a Bomb' in Illegal Immigration Debate with SB 1070

On Thursday's All Things Considered, NPR's Robert Siegel used violent imagery to underline the supposed extreme nature of Arizona's SB 1070 law targeting illegal immigration: "It has been of one ...

Lauer Prods Democrat About Getting Ted Kennedy's Old Senate Seat Back from Scott Brown

Deval Patrick appeared on the April 21 Today show to promote his new book, but NBC's Matt Lauer wasted no time in prodding the Democratic Governor of Massachusetts about making a run against ...

MSNBC's Chris Matthews Smears Tea Partiers: Only Interested in Cutting Spending on the Poor

According to MSNBC's Chris Matthews, "the only cuts that [Tea Partiers] seem to want are the cuts for the poor people." The Hardball host smeared the conservative protesters on Thursday while ...

Birther-Obsessed George Stephanopoulos Forces Michele Bachmann to Gaze at Obama's Certificate

Good Morning America's George Stephanopoulos on Wednesday continued to obsess over the birther issue, foisting Barack Obama's certificate of live birth onto guest Michele Bachmann. Holding up a ...
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