
CBS's Cordes Charges Ryan's Plan Undermined by 'Big Tax Cut for the Wealthy'

Picking up from flustered colleague Bob Schieffer, who on the April 17 Face the Nation demanded of Congressman Paul Ryan, "Why do these rich people need another tax cut? I mean, they're already ...

New York Times Reporters Cite WikiLeaks Files in Anti-Gitmo Screed

The New York Times offered a distorted glimpse into the prison at Guantanamo Bay and the Bush administration's treatment of suspected terrorists in a series of reports published on Sunday and Monday.

Birthers vs. Truthers: The New York Times' Double Standard on Conspiracy Theories

Birthers vs. Truthers: The New York Times' double standard on conspiracy theories. While GOP response to a Times poll question on Obama's birthplace has caused anxiety and discussion, the paper ...

ABC Bemoans 'Obscene' Profits of Oil Company 'Behemoths'

ABC's Jon Karl on Monday railed against the "obscene" profits of the oil companies and demanded to know what House Speaker John Boehner plans to do about it. World News anchor Diane Sawyer ...

Reuters' Freeland Refers to Gitmo as Part of 'American Gulag Archipelago'

On Monday's The Dylan Ratigan Show on MSNBC, Reuters' Chrystia Freeland labeled the U.S. prison system the "American 'gulag archipelago'." Her remark followed a discussion on the Guantanamo Bay ...

On Letterman, Maher Charges Racist 'Tea-Baggers' Are 'Corporate America's Useful Idiots,' CBS Expunges Vile Term

Regurgitating the same kind of derogatory comments he regularly spews on his Friday night HBO show, Bill Maher showed up Monday night on the Late Show with David Letterman where CBS, unlike HBO, ...

Ex-Newsweek Editor Howard Fineman: GOP Plan Says 'Screw You' to Younger Voters

Former Newsweek editor Howard Fineman on Monday spun Paul Ryan's blueprint for reforming Medicare as saying to younger Americans "screw you." Appearing on MSNBC's Hardball, the senior politics ...

New York Mag Gushes: 'Isn't It Time We Took the Comedy of Brian Williams Seriously?'

According to New York magazine, Nightly News anchor Brian Williams is a "versatile" humorist who now has a "second career" making people laugh. In a gushing, 3600 word piece, writer John Swansburg ...

On Today: PBS's Smiley Attacks Obama from the Left, Claims He Favors 'The Rich and the Lucky'

NBC's Today show actually gave Tavis Smiley an opportunity to criticize the President, but it was from the left, as the PBS commentator claimed that Barack Obama has devoted "too much attention to ...

George Stephanopoulos: Nation's 'Gas Gripes' Are 'Knocking Down' Obama's Polls

Good Morning America's George Stephanopoulos on Monday described the country's "gas gripes" over rising fuel costs, adding, "Soaring prices lead to new pain for the President as big oil gets ready ...
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