Chris Matthews' obsession with birthers didn't take a break on the day after the killing of Osama bin Laden. Only 43 seconds into Monday's show on the terrorist, the Hardball anchor connected, ...
The day after terrorist Osama bin Laden was killed in a U.S. military action, Good Morning America brought on consultant Richard Clarke to downplay the death as a "propaganda victory" that will ...
In an interview with Florida Republican Senator Marco Rubio on NBC's Meet the Press on Sunday, host David Gregory worried: "There's a purist streak to the Tea Party, right? Don't compromise....As ...
View co-hosts Joy Behar and Barbara Walters on Monday immediately politicized the killing of terrorist mastermind Osama bin Laden. After giving credit to Barack Obama for the successful strike, ...
For the Washington Post's Petula Dvorak the sight of American college kids celebrating the death of Osama Bin Laden outside of the White House gates, on Sunday night, was "almost vulgar." In a May ...
"This week - budget blowback," Christiane Amanpour trumpeted in framing her Sunday look, at reaction to Republican Congressman Paul Ryan's proposed budget plan, through those hostile to it, ...
Saturday's World News on ABC highlighted complaints from Democrats about the Medicare reform plan proposed by Congressman Paul Ryan as the Wisconsin Republican seeks to restrain the growth of ...
Apparently, the Left will never get over John Kerry's loss in the 2004 presidential election. On Thursday's Joy Behar Show, Joy Behar used a discussion of the "birther" claims against Barack Obama ...
New York Times reporter Jennifer Steinhauer says that Republican Allen West of Florida "is frequently featured on the Fox News Channel and in other conservative settings where he enjoys ...
MSNBC's Chuck Todd rattled off a list of reasons to explain the sharp rise in the price of oil ' none of which included Barack Obama's offshore drilling moratorium ' and was "confused" about why ...