
NY Times Blames Data 'Overload,' 'Compassion Fatigue,' and Basketball for Obama's Low Libya Ratings

Ignoring fears of mission creep or questions about exit strategies, New York Times reporter Kirk Johnson dug up some novel excuses for the public's resistance to Obama's bombing campaign over ...

Executive Editor Keller Confesses to NYT's 'Culturally Liberal' Outlook, Makes It Sound Appealing

NYT Executive Editor Bill Keller confessed his paper could be rightfully accused of a liberal outlook, though he managed to make this particular brand of urban cultural liberalism sound appealing: ...

Morning Joe Pundits: Obama 'Extremely Deft in a Very Tough Situation'

During Monday's Morning Joe, Time's Mark Halperin and co-host Mika Brzezinski helpfully provided some spin for the White House to borrow as President Obama finishes his prepared remarks for Monday ...

NPR Slants 7 to 2 Towards Backers of Federal Funding of Public Broadcasting

On Thursday's All Things Considered, NPR's Jim Zarroli vouched for continuing federal funding of public broadcasting by lining up seven sound bites from three supporters of the medium, versus only ...

CBS Wonders if U.S. 'Transfer of Power' in Libya Has 'Brushed Back' Criticism of Obama

On Friday's CBS Early Show, the network did its first full segment on criticism of the Obama administration's Libya policy, with co-host Chris Wragge declaring: "As the transfer of power gets set ...

Brian Williams Spins for Obama on 'Late Night,' Then Declares: 'I Don't Work' for White House

A defensive Brian Williams appeared on Wednesday's Late Night With Jimmy Fallon to explain away Barack Obama's handling of the situation in Libya. He also hit the show's for having a "political ...

MSNBC Resorts to Using 12-Year-Old Boy Health Care Activist to Plug for ObamaCare

On the one-year anniversary of the health care law, MSNBC thought it fitting to bring on a boy who championed the bill and give him a platform. Anchor Andrea Mitchell hosted 12-year-old activist ...

Obama More 'Hawkish' Than Bush, Yet Better at Carrying Out His Policies Say 'Morning Joe' Pundits

Is Obama more 'hawkish' and yet more charming than his immediate predecessor? Apparently so, claimed Time's Mark Halperin and MSNBC's Mika Brzezinski on Thursday's edition of Morning Joe.

ABC Knocks the 'Most Controversial,' 'as Conservative as They Come' Michele Bachmann

Covering a possible 2012 presidential run by Michele Bachmann, Good Morning America's Juju Chang on Thursday spun the Congresswoman as "one of the most controversial freshmen [sic] members of ...

CBS Celebrates Year of ObamaCare By Touting Its Benefits and Despairing Legal Battles May 'Derail' It

Wednesday's CBS Evening News celebrated the one-year anniversary of ObamaCare by touting its benefits before Katie Couric, who devoted half her newscast to Elizabeth Taylor's passing, fretted: ...
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