
60 Minutes' Safer Grills 'Right-Wing Conservative' NY Archbishop, Urges Catholic Church to be More Liberal

On Sunday's 60 Minutes, CBS correspondent Morley Safer interviewed New York Catholic Archbishop Timothy Dolan and pressed him on the his commitment to traditional Church teachings: "No question ...

NBC's Andrea Mitchell Enthralled by 'Remarkable Job' on Libya Done By Obama and Rice

NBC's Andrea Mitchell on Sunday's Meet the Press trumpeted now-President Obama's Libya action: "This was pretty remarkable ' bringing this whole coalition together and getting the Arab League" to ...

NPR's Liasson Omits Critics of 'Comprehensive' Immigration Reform

On Friday's Morning Edition, NPR's Mara Liasson conspicuously excluded conservatives who are opposed to "comprehensive" immigration reform proposals, such as those forwarded by former President ...

'Big Fan' Jake Tapper Offers One-Sided Puff Piece on Vulgar Mormon Musical

According to Good Morning America host Robin Roberts, reporter Jake Tapper is a "big fan" of South Park. His affection showed on Friday as he interviewed the program's creators, the duo behind a ...

CBS Finally Covers NPR Scandal...On 4 A.M. News Program

Following the March 8 release of an undercover sting video of NPR executive Ron Schiller calling Tea Party members "racist," CBS initially gave no coverage to the ensuing scandal and resignations ...

Jon Meacham: Media Would Have 'Barbecued' Bush If He Did NCAA Brackets During Crises

Jon Meacham, the liberal host of PBS's Need to Know, frankly admitted Thursday that media scrutiny of President Bush would far surpass the mild criticism of Barack Obama when it comes to a ...

Liberal Frank Rich Finally 'Gets Sick of His Own Voice,' Quits NY Times

In his farewell column, New York Times columnist Frank Rich admitted the job "can push you to have stronger opinions than you actually have, or contrived opinions about subjects you may not care ...

NPR Slants Towards Democrats By 5-2 Margin in Report on Nuclear Energy

NPR's Scott Horsley favored Democrats over Republicans by a five-to-two margin on Thursday's Morning Edition. Horsley played soundbites or quoted from Obama administration officials or ...

CBS Early Show Calls on Obama to Make Tough Decisions...On His NCAA Picks

On Thursday's CBS Early Show, news reader Jeff Glor declared: "President Obama is ready for March Madness, it appears. He broke out the brackets at the White House yesterday and made his picks in ...

MSNBC's Chuck Todd Spins for Obama on NCAA Picks: 'The Schedule Is the Schedule'

MSNBC's Chuck Todd on Thursday fretted over the blame Barack Obama is enduring for making televised NCAA picks during the ongoing crises in Libya and Japan. After gushing over the President's ...
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