
PBS's Meacham: Why 'Lionize' Reagan Who 'Treated the Poor Poorly'?

On Friday's Need to Know program on PBS, co-host Jon Meacham - formerly of Newsweek - seemed to agree with HBO filmmaker Eugene Jarecki's characterization of former President Ronald Reagan as ...

Chris Matthews Rips Obama's Handling of Egypt Crisis: 'I Feel Ashamed As an American'

MSNBC anchor Chris Matthews appeared on Morning Joe, Friday, to slam President Obama's handling of the escalating crisis in Egypt, saying it made him "ashamed as an American." Matthews, who ...

Obama Administration Found in Contempt of Court, Media Silent

On Thursday, Louisiana Federal District Court Judge Martin Feldman found that the Obama Interior Department was in contempt of his ruling that the offshore oil drilling moratorium, imposed by the ...

Time's Halperin Raves: Obama Has Level of 'Sophistication and Skill' That Not One Republican Can Duplicate

It's rare when Chris Matthews is outdone in his praise of Barack Obama but Time's Mark Halperin, on Thursday's Hardball, managed to top the MSNBC host as he delivered a rave review of Barack ...

For Second Day in a Row, Mitchell Pitches for Gun Control: 'Somebody's Got to Listen in Washington'

Andrea Mitchell, for a second day in a row, pushed for more gun control on her MSNBC show as she encouraged Philadelphia Mayor Michael Nutter, "You and Mike Bloomberg...have all been yelling and ...

ABC Sets Up Sting Operation to Find Racism in AZ Immigration Law, Hires Actor to Play a Bigot

ABC and reporter John Quinones on Thursday stretched the bounds of journalism, hiring an actor to play a racist security guard as a way of testing how the people of Arizona would react to the ...

Jon Stewart to Michael Steele: GOP Base Is 'So Easily Ignitable'

On Tuesday's "Daily Show," liberal comedian Jon Stewart flashed a smirk and wondered why the conservative base of the Republican Party is "so easily ignitable." The comedian hosted former ...

NYT's Tale of Two Political Conventions: Optimism for Dems in NC, But 'Woeful Disconnect' Possible for G.O.P. in Tampa

The New York Times on the Democrats' convention choice: "Can North Carolina Deliver Again?" The Times on the G.O.P.'s choice: "The wrong mix of poverty juxtaposed with Republicans partying - ...

MSNBC Promo for Chris Matthews Special Gives Bill Clinton the Superhero Treatment

With a script and a dramatic voice over befitting a trailer for the latest superhero movie out of Hollywood, one of the first promos for Chris Matthews' documentary on Bill Clinton has begun ...

MSNBC's Mitchell Chides Obama for 'Not One Word' on Gun Control in State of the Union

In a pre-taped interview with gun control advocate New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, aired during Wednesday's 1PM ET hour on MSNBC, host Andrea Mitchell browbeat President Obama for having ...
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