
ABC, CBS, NBC All Ignore 2011 'March for Life' In Mon. Evening, Tues. Morning News Coverage

None of the broadcast news programs from Monday evening and Tuesday morning covered the 2011 "March for Life" in Washington, DC, a pro-life rally that reportedly drew at least tens of thousands of ...

NBC's Today Show Depicts GOP as a Party Divided

NBC's Today show, on Wednesday, used the occasion of two responses to Barack Obama's State of the Union speech, by Republicans Paul Ryan and Michele Bachmann, as an opportunity to portray the GOP ...

All Three Networks Agree: Obama Sounded 'Reaganesque' in State of the Union

During coverage of President Obama's State of the Union address Tuesday night, all three broadcast networks, CBS, NBC and ABC, managed to compare the tone of the speech to that of Ronald Reagan. ...

ABC Hypes State of the Union With Dramatic, Movie Trailer-Style Promo

ABC on Tuesday introduced Barack Obama with an opening that looked and sounded more like a movie trailer for an action film. As dramatic, pounding tones played throughout, an announcer began, "The ...

Amanpour Hails Obama as 'Reaganesque' But Contended Tea Party Too 'Extreme' for Reagan

ABC's Christiane Amanpour hailed President Obama's State of the Union address as "very Reaganesque," but in October, holding herself up as some kind of protector of Reagan's legacy, she feigned ...

John King USA the Only CNN Program to Mention March for Life...For 11 Seconds

CNN's 7 pm Eastern hour program John King USA was the only program on Monday and the following morning on Tuesday that mentioned the March for Life in Washington, DC. Anchor John King mentioned ...

ABC's Bianna Golodryga Encourages the Liberal Ron Reagan to Play Psychic, Channel His Father

Good Morning America on Sunday continued to hype the very liberal Ron Reagan and the claims in his new book that his father showed early signs of Alzheimer's while in the White House. The network ...

Lauer to Valerie Jarrett: Will Obama Push for 'Tougher' Gun Control in State of the Union Address?

In previewing the President's State of the Union Address, on Tuesday's Today show, NBC's Matt Lauer pushed White House senior adviser Valerie Jarrett, mostly from the left, as he pressed her to ...

MSNBC's O'Donnell Slams 'Merchants of Death' Who 'Buy Their Political Protection from the NRA'

On Monday's the Last Word show, in its new 8:00 p.m. EST time slot, MSNBC host Lawrence O'Donnell referred to the manufacturers of high-capacity magazines as "merchants of death" who purchase ...

Matthews: America Stinks Because We Don't Have Fast Trains

Chris Matthews has a seemingly endless list of obsessions. Along with Dick Cheney, Sarah Palin and Michele Bachmann the MSNBC host is fascinated by trains, especially fast ones, and on Monday ...
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