
CBS: 'Sideshow' of ObamaCare Repeal A 'Test of Civility;' Palin's Statement on Shooting 'Not Her Best Moment'

On Friday's CBS Early Show, co-host Erica Hill noted President Obama "calling for a little bit of a detente" in the wake of the Tucson shooting and wondered, "is this civility going to last?" ...

In the Wake of Shooting, MSNBC's Chris Jansing Warns GOP on Using the Phrase 'Jobs-Killing' Health Care

In the wake of last Saturday's shooting spree in Arizona, MSNBC anchor Chris Jansing on Friday wondered if the phrase "jobs-killing health care" bill is now taboo. Speaking to a former ...

Obama and Palin Call for Civility, but MSNBC Duo Marvel Over Former and Rebuke Latter

On MSNBC's Jansing & Co., anchor Chris Jansing and liberal columnist Karen Hunter took turns ripping apart Sarah Palin's call for civility in an Internet video posted yesterday morning in the ...

CBS Touts Dem Congresswoman Using Daughter to Blame Political Rhetoric for Shooting: 'Mommy, Are You Going to Get Shot?'

During a bipartisan panel discussion with members of Congress on Wednesday's CBS Evening News, anchor Katie Couric asked about the role of political rhetoric in the Tucson shooting, to which ...

ABC's George Stephanopoulos Knocks Rush Limbaugh for His 'Man Crush' on Chris Christie

According to Good Morning America's George Stephanopoulos, conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh has "a man-crush" on New Jersey's Chris Christie. The GMA host interviewed the governor on Thursday ...

Lauer to Tom DeLay: Will You Rethink Your Opposition to Gun Control Now?

Former Texas Republican House Majority Leader Tom DeLay, on Thursday's Today show, was cornered by NBC's Matt Lauer on his anti-gun control stance, as Lauer pressed: "In the wake of...that ...

CBS Blames Sarah Palin for Injecting 'Politics and Controversy' Into Tucson Shooting

At the top of Wednesday's CBS Evening News, anchor Katie Couric lamented: "The President tries to comfort a nation in mourning, but even on a rare day of unity, politics and controversy ...

ABC Frets Over Sarah Palin's 'Loaded Term,' Includes a Clip of Keith Olbermann Bashing Her

Good Morning America's George Stephanopoulos on Thursday fretted about Sarah Palin and the use of the term "blood libel," deeming it a "loaded term." Reporter Claire Shipman chided that "what was ...

Mitchell Finds It Relevant to Highlight on NBC How Users Reject Palin's Retort

Sarah Palin's use in a video commentary of the "blood libel" phrase, against those exploiting the Tucson shooting to discredit her, inflamed journalists with NBC's Andrea Mitchell ridiculously ...

Brokaw Pontificates: Time for the Parents to Say 'Time Out,' Slams Palin

Former NBC Nighty News anchor Tom Brokaw visited the Today show set, on Thursday, to play referee, or more specifically daddy, in the debate surrounding the shooting of Gabrielle Giffords as he ...
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