
Olbermann Suggests Palin & Other Conservatives 'Slightly Less Madmen' Than Gunman, Apologizes for Past Violent Suggestions

On a special Saturday edition of Countdown, MSNBC host Keith Olbermann delivered a "Special Comment" in which he called for an end to the use of violent imagery by political figures of all ...

Wash Post's Ezra Klein: Obamacare is 'Best Thing' Dems Have Done 'In a Generation'

Appearing as a guest on Friday's Countdown show on MSNBC, the Washington Post's Ezra Klein defended Obamacare and warned Republicans against attempting to repeal the law as he contended that some ...

CBS 'Early Show': 'Centrist' Bill Daley Means White House 'Open for Business'

Friday's CBS Early Show praised the pick of former Commerce Secretary William Daley as the new chief of staff for the Obama White House, with senior White House correspondent Bill Plante ...

Contessa Brewer: What If GOP Nixed ObamaCare Repeal, Invested In Unemployed Instead?

Reporting that House Republicans will soon be voting to repeal President Obama's "job-killing" health care law, MSNBC anchor Contessa Brewer wondered if the GOP should take a different route to ...

CNN's Spitzer: Tea Party 'One of the Most Vapid, Puerile Groups Out There'

On Thursday's Parker-Spitzer, CNN's Eliot Spitzer lashed out at President Obama from the left, going so far as to accuse him of forfeiting his campaign promises, simultaneously attacking the Tea ...

Williams to Boehner: 'Where Are You Getting the Notion' Americans Want ObamaCare Repealed?; Blames Him for Birther Outburst

In an interview with House Speaker John Boehner, Brian Williams told Boehner the promised vote to repeal ObamaCare has "been called a stunt," pressed him to justify repealing it given many would ...

On MSNBC, Rolling Stone's Taibbi Accuses Boehner & Tea Party of Racist 'Coded Language'

Appearing as a guest on Thursday's Countdown show on MSNBC, Rolling Stone's Matt Taibbi accused Republican House Speaker John Boehner and Tea Party activists of racism in the form of using "coded ...

Matthews Mocks Bachmann's Appointment to Intelligence Committee and Wonders If She's On a 'Messianic' Crusade

On Thursday's Hardball Chris Matthews mocked Michele Bachmann's new congressional appointment to the House Intelligence committee as he snidely observed: "This is great irony here, on the ...

NYT's Carl Hulse, Ignoring History, Assumes ObamaCare Will Save Money

The New York Times' Congressional reporter claimed that rules proposed by the new Republican majority "would permit repeal of the health care legislation, which was estimated to save the ...

ABC Skips Controversy with Leftist Roseanne Barr, No Mention of 'Burnt Jew Cookies' Photo Spread

Hard-left comedienne Roseanne Barr appeared on Wednesday's Good Morning America and faced no questions about her controversial, often bizarre statements, such as in 2009 when she dressed up like ...
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