
Lawrence O'Donnell Draws Parallel Between Extreme Militia Groups and Tea Party

Interviewing a Time magazine writer who conducted an in-depth investigation into right-wing militias, MSNBC's Lawrence O'Donnell on the September 30 "Last Word" tried to draw a parallel between ...

Today Show Turns to Walter Mondale to Advise Obama

Former Vice President Walter Mondale appeared on Monday's Today show to plug his new book and NBC's Amy Robach asked the failed 1984 presidential candidate if he had any advice for Barack Obama, ...

ABC's Jon Karl Highlights 'Admission' That Tea Party Candidate Opposes Minimum Wage

Good Morning America on Monday highlighted the "admission" by Tea Party backed candidate Joe Miller that he opposes the federal minimum wage. Reporter Jon Karl breathlessly related, "In an ...

Amanpour Promises 'All Sides,' Yet She Skews Debate as She Charges 'Islamophobia' Spurs Anti-Muslim Violence

After two shows featuring six advocates of the Ground Zero mosque, ABC on Sunday decided to air a "special This Week town hall debate, Holy War: Should Americans Fear Islam?" Christiane Amanpour ...

The New York Times Remembers the 'Good Life' for Many in the 'Socialist State' of East Germany

New York Times reporter Michael Slackman on the disillusionment felt by some East Germans over reunification: "Yet no one here is whitewashing the disappointment, the sense even now, two decades ...

Truth-Seeking with Lawrence O'Donnell and Matt Taibbi: Tea Party is 'Narcissistic,' 'Incredibly Stupid'

"What's the answer to the Tea Party racist question?" Galloping into the 10 p.m. Eastern time slot as the white knight of truth, MSNBC's Lawrence O'Donnell, host of The Last Word" challenged ...

Joe Scarborough: If You Question Obama's Faith, You're a 'Hater'

Apparently everyone needs to take the President at his word when he says he is a committed Christian, according to MSNBC. The network's Morning Joe crew thinks that those who still question the ...

CBS: Activist Judy Shepard Blames 'Vicious Rhetoric' and 'Un-American' Opposition to Gay Marriage for Rutgers Suicide

On Friday's CBS Early Show, co-host Maggie Rodriguez talked to gay rights activist Judy Shepard, mother of murdered gay student Matthew Shepard, about the suicide of Rutgers University student ...

ABC Spins Whitman Controversy as the 'Story That Won't Go Away,' Airs Fourth Segment in Two Days

Good Morning America on Friday continued to hype the allegations that gubernatorial candidate Meg Whitman knowingly employed an illegal alien, airing the fourth segment on the topic in just two ...

NBC Uses Paladino's 'Thug' Behavior to Denounce the 'Mean Season in Politics'

Advancing the Democratic-liberal effort to discredit Tea Party-favored candidates as unhinged cads, Thursday's NBC Nightly News elevated a heated exchange, between New York gubernatorial candidate ...
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