
Rick Sanchez: Fox News and MSNBC Biased, But I'm Not

CNN's Rick Sanchez positioned himself above the fray between "right wing" Fox News and "liberal" MSNBC on Thursday's Rick's List. Sanchez named Keith Olbermann, Rachel Maddow, and their network to ...

CNN's Sanchez Implies Fox News Had 'Role' in O'Keefe Stunt

On Wednesday's Rick's List, CNN's Rick Sanchez implied that Fox News played some kind of part in James O'Keefe's attempted "punk" of correspondent Abbie Boudreau: "The same right-wing ...

MSNBC's Lawrence O'Donnell: Levi Johnston Did 'Better Job' in Interview Than Sarah Palin

Appearing on Thursday's 'Andrea Mitchell Reports' on MSNBC, 'The Last Word' host Lawrence O'Donnell touted his Tuesday interview with Levi Johnston: "I love that kid. He's honest, he's ...

ABC Hypes 'Bombshell' 'Rocking' CA Governor's Race, Whitman Risks Looking 'Heartless'

Good Morning America on Thursday devoted nine minutes and three segments to the "bombshell" accusations that are "rocking" the California governor's race. After relating the allegations that ...

MSNBC's Schultz Touts Grayson as Model for Democrats to Imitate, 'I Love' Taliban Ad

On the September 23, The Ed Show, MSNBC's Ed Schultz touted inflammatory Democratic Congressman Alan Grayson as an example other Democrats should follow, and, on his radio show Monday, Schultz ...

Gallup: Distrust in Media Hits New High and Three Times as Many See Media as 'Too Liberal' Over 'Too Conservative'

"For the fourth straight year, the majority of Americans say they have little or no trust in the mass media to report the news fully, accurately, and fairly," Gallup reported Wednesday. Gallup ...

Chris Matthews Admits America Is 'Basically Conservative'

Chris Matthews began Wednesday's Hardball in usual fashion attacking the Tea Party as the "Cro-Magnon political party," but he ended this evening's show in an unexpected way as the MSNBCer advised ...

CBS's Smith: Obama Didn't Want to Give Military a 'Blank Check' In Afghanistan

In an interview with 'Obama's Wars' author Bob Woodward on Wednesday's CBS Early Show, co-host Harry Smith sought to defend the President's uncertainty on Afghanistan: "...when he takes over ...

CBS, ABC Excited Over Barack Obama's Bid to Recapture His 'Glory Days'

Both ABC and CBS on Wednesday morning played up Barack Obama's attempt to reignite his Democratic base and defeat surging Republicans. Good Morning America host George Stephanopoulos labeled the ...

NBC Reporter Impressed that Obama Can Draw a Crowd in Liberal Madison, Wis.

NBC's Savannah Guthrie, on Wednesday's Today show, proclaimed: "The President proved last night, in Wisconsin, he can still pack tens of thousands of young people into an arena" but lost on ...
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