
ABC Team Obsess Over Romney's $10,000 Challenge to Perry

After ABC's Republican presidential debate on Saturday night, several members of the ABC team spoke of Mitt Romney's attempt to make a bet with Rick Perry about whether Perry was correct in ...

ABC and CBS Highlight Rick Perry 'Oops' Moment

ABC's Good Morning America and CBS's the The Early Show on Saturday, as well as Friday's World News on ABC, seized on GOP presidential candidate Rick Perry forgetting the name of Supreme Court ...

NBC Sets Up Obama to Run Against 'Do-Nothing Congress,' Lumps in 1995 GOP Congress

Friday's NBC Nightly News ran a report touting the prospect that President Obama could portray the current Congress as a "Do-Nothing Congress," based primarily on the number of bills passed rather ...

John Berman's Stale Comedy: Mocks Bush's Pronunciation, Rehashes 2000 'Rats' Ad

ABC's John Berman on Thursday continued his habit of trying to force stale, anti-conservative jokes into his reporting, mocking the pronunciation habits of former President George W. Bush. In a ...

NPR Skirts IDing Corzine as a Democrat; Readily Tags Republicans

NPR's Yuki Noguchi and Lynn Neary completely omitted Jon Corzine's Democratic affiliation on Thursday's All Things Considered, while mentioning practically every other prominent occupation he has ...

NBC's Chuck Todd Asks: 'Is This the Single Best Week in the Obama Re-Election Effort?'

On Friday's The Daily Rundown on MSNBC, host Chuck Todd posed this question to guests Chris Cillizza of the Washington Post and Jonathan Martin of Politico: "Is this the single best week in the ...

A Day After Juvenile 'Mitt Happens' Joke, Jake Tapper Dismisses Romney as 'Elmer Fudd'

According to Good Morning America's Jake Tapper on Friday, Mitt Romney is "Elmer Fudd" to Newt Gingrich's "Bugs Bunny." This remark came one day after the reporter made a vulgar joke that "Mitt ...

NBC's Chuck Todd Declares: Obama Would 'Love' to Debate GOP on Foreign Policy

On Friday's NBC Today, following a sound bite of President Obama attacking Republicans for using the word "appeasement" to describe his foreign policy, chief White House correspondent Chuck Todd ...

ABC and CBS Eat Up Obama's 'Sharp' and 'Pointed' Retorts

"In the presidential campaign," CBS anchor Scott Pelley announced Thursday night, "President Obama fired back today at Republican opponents who criticized his foreign policy using words like ...

ABC and CBS Skip Label of Jon Corzine as Democrat

As the three broadcast network evening newscasts on Thursday reported former New Jersey Democratic Senator Jon Corzine's testimony before Congress on the billion dollars in investor money that ...
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