
Occupy's '99%' Slogan Cropping Up in Large Percentage of Unrelated NYT Stories

The left-wing slogan from Occupy Wall Street has settled into the collective consciousness of the New York Times, infecting stories from food to travel to Coco Chanel.

CBS Hypes Threat to 'Abortion Rights' from 'Staunch' Opponents

On Tuesday's Early Show, CBS's Cynthia Bowers let abortion advocates decry new pro-life legislation at the state level, barely letting supporters speak in her report. Bowers slanted by a three to ...

Piers Morgan: 'A Lot of Things Are Just Perfect About Barack Obama'

Obama's re-election campaign received a huge boost Monday night from CNN's Piers Morgan. The host groveled before Obama's campaign strategist David Axelrod, gushing that "a lot of things are just ...

Networks Cheer Obama 'Channeling Teddy' Roosevelt, Attacking 'Grinch-Like' GOP 'Misers'

On Tuesday's CBS Early Show, White House correspondent Bill Plante hyped an upcoming speech by President Obama: "The President is going to Osawatomie, Kansas....where former President Teddy ...

CNN: Dems Acting Like 'Conservative Republicans' In Payroll Tax Debate

In its Monday afternoon coverage of the Congressional battle over extending the payroll tax cut, CNN repeatedly emphasized a Democratic advantage and claimed that the Democrats are acting like ...

CNN Anchor Lemon Admonishes GOP: 'Stop Blaming the Media'

CNN's Don Lemon attacked the "classic GOP move" of claiming liberal media bias, on Sunday's 10 p.m. edition of Newsroom. The liberal CNN host lampooned Sarah Palin's "lamestream" media line and ' ...

NBC's Gregory Rants: Gingrich Comments on Poor a 'Grotesque Distortion'

As NBC's Meet the Press panel ripped into Newt Gingrich on Sunday for his comments on poor children in inner cities lacking working role models, Manchester Union Leader publisher Joe McQuaid was ...

Upcoming HBO Drama: Dan Rather 'Got It Right' on Bush and National Guard

A not so creative liberal fantasy. Dan Rather "got it right" in his 2004 story about President George W. Bush's avoidance of National Guard duty, a hit piece discredited because of Rather's ...

Chris Matthews Mocks 'Reign of Terror' Republicans Who 'Tear Down Statues'

According to Chris Matthews on Monday, the Republican presidential candidates are engaging in a "reign of terror" and "don't like democratic government." In a possible (though confusing) allusion ...

On CBS, Joe Klein Sneers Newt Is Doomed: He 'Cannot Stand Prosperity'

On Monday's Early Show, CBS's John Dickerson and Time's Joe Klein harped on Newt Gingrich's overwhelming "liabilities." Klein hinted that the former House Speaker's ego would get the better of ...
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