
FNC's Craig Rivera: Is Oil Spill Our 'Avatar?'

Fox News Channel's Craig Rivera, on Sunday's Geraldo At Large, in a shipboard interview from the Gulf of Mexico, actually asked a conservationist if the oil spill there was a real world equivalent ...

CBS's Rodriguez to Kagan Friend Eliot Spitzer: Is Moderate Label 'Accurate'?

In the 7:30AM ET half hour on Monday's CBS Early Show, co-host Maggie Rodriguez lobbed softballs to disgraced former New York Governor Eliot Spitzer about his college friend and Supreme Court ...

ABC Live Coverage: No Kagan Criticism, Conservative Support?

During ABC's 10am ET special report, the network failed to mention any of the controversies surrounding Supreme Court pick Elena Kagin, while correspondent Terry Moran - citing the Obama White ...

Sotomayor Flashback #3 of 3: Cloaked as 'Both Sides,' Nets Pushed 'Abortion Rights' Advocates' Concerns

NBC and ABC on Thursday night framed stories around concerns of "abortion rights" advocates who want proof Supreme Court nominee Sonia Sotomayor is on their side, but both cloaked their pieces ...

Sotomayor Flashback #2 of 3: On 2nd Night, CBS Decided Sotomayor No Liberal: 'Can't Be Easily Defined by Political Labels'

A baffled CBS expressed bewilderment over where Obama's SCOTUS nominee stands. "Pundits usually label judges as either liberal or conservative, but that won't be easy with Judge Sotomayor," Katie ...

Stephanopoulos Throws Softballs to Former Top Obama Aide, Lets Him Mislead on Kagan's Anti-Military Decisions

On Monday's GMA, ABC's George Stephanopoulos dealt with the Elena Kagan Supreme Court nomination by interviewing former Obama official Greg Craig, but no one from the conservative/Republican side ...

Sotomayor Flashback #1 of 3: On First Night She Prompted More 'Conservative' Than 'Liberal' Labels

Amazingly, after showing no reluctance in 2005 to describe John Roberts and Sam Alito as "conservative" or worse, the Tuesday network evening newscasts applied more "conservative" tags to Supreme ...

Flashback to Flashback: Nets Were Quick to Tag Alito and Roberts as 'Ultra' and 'Hardline' 'Conservatives'

Network anchors and reporters didn't hesitate to apply strong ideological labels (not just quoting others) to President Bush's two Supreme Court nominees, John Roberts and Samuel Alito. Will they ...

CBS's Schieffer: Elena Kagan 'Eminently Qualified,' But 'Nasty' GOP Will Oppose Her

During live CBS News coverage on Monday of President Obama's nomination of Solicitor General Elena Kagan to the Supreme Court, Face the Nation host Bob Schieffer argued that the Senate ...

60 Minutes Empathizes with Hillary Clinton's Challenge After Bush, Hails Her Work Ethic and 'Global Star Power'

A quick look at the flavor Sunday night's fawning 60 Minutes profile of Hillary Clinton which framed her job around the challenge of fixing a world abused by George W. Bush and Condoleezza Rice. ...
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