"Angry backlash from coast to coast," ABC's David Muir teased Saturday's World News, "huge rallies across this country tonight against that new controversial immigration law." On CBS, Jeff Glor ...
On Friday night, NBC promoted leftist May Day protests against Arizona's new immigration enforcement law while CBS, after a full week of coverage focused on outrage against it, finally bothered to ...
On Friday's Rick's List, CNN's Rick Sanchez revisited a story he did on Tuesday where he forwarded Islamic group CAIR's publicity stunt about a Virginia license plate that apparently contained ...
Both Marco Rubio and Charlie Crist appeared live on Friday's Today show, and both received the same question by NBC's Meredith Vieira, was Crist's departure from the GOP just another example of ...
Katie Couric teased Thursday's CBS Evening News by trumpeting a lawsuit against it from a lone police officer: "The latest response to Arizona's new immigration law? Sue the state. We'll tell you ...
During Thursday's 11AM ET hour on MSNBC, anchor Tamron Hall asked former Democratic National Committee Chairman Howard Dean about Florida Governor Charlie Crist's expected announcement to run as ...
On Thursday's Morning Joe, NBC reporter Andrea Mitchell appeared and seemed to agree with Britain's Prime Minister that a voter he met was a bigot. Discussing Gordon Brown's April 28 comments, ...
Former New York Times reporter Timothy Egan is not a fan of the new illegal immigration crackdown in Arizona: "The crackpot laws owe their genesis to the crackpots who dominate Republican ...
Time magazine's website on Thursday named me [MRC news analyst Matthew Balan] to their tongue-in-cheek "Least Influential People of 2010" list, ranking me with other notables such as Russian ...
ABC's Good Morning America on Thursday gushed over "rising star" Charlie Crist's decision to leave the Republican Party and run as an independent in the Florida Senate race. Next to a graphic that ...