File under Things a Journalist Should Be Too Embarrassed to Cite. In her weekly Washington Post column about the impact of the ash emitted by the volcano in Iceland which shut down European ...
Arizona's new law hardly earned a friendly reception Friday night, but CBS went the furthest in presenting it from the view of "victims" as Katie Couric, over video of a "Veto Racism" sign, ...
On Friday's Situation Room, CNN's Suzanne Malveaux omitted the pro-illegal immigration activism of guest Isabel Garcia. Malveaux only referenced how her guest was "legal defender of Pima County, ...
ABC's Nightline on Thursday provided a welcome look at the significant number of meteorologists in America who are skeptical of man-made global warming. Instead of simply dismissing their views, ...
On Friday's CBS Early Show, co-host Maggie Rodriguez declared that when it comes to financial reform legislation, "Democrats have all the leverage right now." Face the Nation host Bob Schieffer ...
Never missing a chance to highlight events that make Team Obama seem to be loveable characters, ABC and NBC on Thursday night showcased endearing and cuddly moments with Joe Biden and First Dog ...
Good Morning America's George Stephanopoulos on Thursday challenged Timothy Geithner from the left, advocating that the administration really needs to "do something" tough with the financial ...
Comic legend and liberal activist Chevy Chase, on Thursday's Today show, told viewers he'll be emceing a charity auction to benefit liberal greenie groups like the NRDC and revealed NBC's own Matt ...
In the 8:30AM ET half hour of Thursday's CBS Early Show, co-host Maggie Rodriguez introduced an Earth Day segment by proclaiming: "Americans throw away more than 30 billion plastic bottles every ...
On Thursday's Good Morning America, ABC journalist Sam Donaldson touted a liberal hero for the Supreme Court, one that even made George Stephanopoulos chuckle: Al Gore. After arguing that Barack ...