
CBS Gives Tea Partiers Top Billing, But Sees 'Inconsistency' in the FNC-Watching, White Gun Owners

Reporting on a poll which looked at Tea Party activists, CBS's Dean Reynolds realized "they chafe at critics who characterize the movement as extremist or racist for its opposition to the ...

Maher Insults Palin and Bachmann as MILFs: Morons I'd Like To Forget

Bill Maher and Chris Matthews, on Wednesday's Hardball, denigrated Sarah Palin and Michele Bachmann as merely "attractive" women with very little smarts with the HBO host even going as far to use ...

MSNBC's Mike Barnicle Smears John McCain: More Afraid of J.D. Hayworth Than of North Vietnamese

During a discussion of John McCain's drift rightward on Wednesday's Morning Joe, MSNBC's Mike Barnicle smeared the Arizona Senator as more scared of J.D. Hayworth than he was of his Vietnamese ...

Meet Washington Post's Scott Wilson, Obama's Summit News Butler

Washington Post reporter Scott Wilson topped Wednesday's paper with a "news analysis" headlined "On world stage, Obama at ease as seminar leader." The word that came to mind wasn't "analysis." It ...

CNN to Advertisers: We're the Only 'Non-Partisan' Cable Network

Stuart Elliott of the New York Times's Media Decoder blog reported on Tuesday that CNN, a network known for its consistent liberal bias, is now incredibly touting itself as "the only credible, ...

NYT's Leonhardt Dismisses How Almost Half Pay No Income Tax, Calls For Higher Rates on Those Who Do

David Leonhardt, the New York Times' voice on fiscal policy wants higher taxes on everyone, but most importantly the rich: "The answer is that tax rates almost certainly have to rise more on the ...

MSNBC's Rachel Maddow Touts McVeigh Special, Warns U.S. Is Seeing 'Upswing' in 'Anti-government Extremism'

Liberal MSNBC host Rachel Maddow appeared on the Daily Show, Tuesday, to promote her new Timothy McVeigh special and to compare, "The dark side of it is that [McVeigh] really did see himself as ...

CBS 'Early Show' Ignores Astronaut Criticism of Obama's Space Program Cuts

On Wednesday's CBS Early Show, fill-in news reader Betty Nguyen reported on President Obama's new plan to cut back America's space program, but failed to mention sharp criticism by astronauts Neil ...

Couric Quotes Einstein in Hailing Obama's 'Mission Accomplished' at Nuclear Security Summit

Katie Couric hailed Obama's "call to action" at the nuclear summit, recited how he had quoted Albert Einstein on the need for "a new manner of thinking is man is to survive" and, reformulating a ...

Media Omits 'Outspoken' Priest's Liberal Dissension From Catholic Church

On Monday evening and Tuesday, ABC, CBS, and CNN all highlighted a Catholic priest's call for Pope Benedict XVI's resignation due to his alleged mishandling of the Church sex abuse scandal, ...
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