Chris Matthews is becoming a master of the odd analogy. In the past Matthews has compared favorites of the left like Bill Clinton to Jesus and Barack Obama to God and those on the right like Rush ...
Former Nightline anchor Ted Koppel appeared on Monday's edition of BBC World News America and longed for the "good old days" when the big three networks didn't have to compete with cable. Speaking ...
While attending the Radio Television Digital News Association conference in Las Vegas on Monday, 60 Minutes correspondent Steve Kroft spoke to a crowd of young journalists and claimed that his ...
Good Morning America's George Stephanopoulos reported live from Russia on Monday and Tuesday and, despite devoting 32 minutes to interviewing the country's President and other officials, never ...
At the top of Tuesday's CBS Early Show, co-host Harry Smith proclaimed: "At an historic summit, President Obama joins world leaders to try to stop terrorists from obtaining nuclear weapons." He ...
In a Monday article, USA Today's Joan Biskupic identified retiring Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens as "liberal," but in an accompanying sidebar on "second court picks by recent ...
In his end-of-the-show commentary on Sunday's Face the Nation on CBS, host Bob Schieffer cited a Saturday New York Times article celebrating retiring Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens: "that ...
On Friday, CNN anchor Don Lemon wouldn't agree with former Rep. J. C. Watts that both sides are uncivil: "we have seen it on the Republican and the conservative side much, much more than on the ...
MSNBC anchor Rachel Maddow will host an April 19 special on Timothy McVeigh's 1995 act of terrorism and how it "puts into perspective the threat posed by anti-government extremism."
On ABC's This Week, when Sam Donaldson recommended that President Barack Obama nominate, to replace Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens, someone who "is going to stand up for the principles ' ...