
Enchanted Matthews Holds Up His Own 'Health Reform Is a BFD' T-Shirt

Touting how "the Democratic National Committee has turned a lemon into lemonade," MSNBC's Chris Matthews on Friday afternoon proudly held up a DNC-produced T-shirt which picks up on Joe Biden's ...

CBS's Harry Smith Shoots Some B-Ball With Presidential Pal

In addition to the softball interview CBS's Harry Smith conducted with President Obama on Thursday, the Early Show co-host also played some one-on-one with the commander in chief on the White ...

Chris Matthews Says Republicans 'Pee All Over Obama Every Day'

You've heard of Bill Moyers' Journal. Over the last two nights, Hardball could be titled Chris Matthews' Urinal. Suddenly, Chris is grossing viewers out with "pee" metaphors.

CBS's Smith Asks Obama About Talk Radio 'Enmity': 'Does it Bother You?'

In a fawning interview with President Obama on Thursday, CBS Early Show co-host Harry Smith spoke of the "enmity" of conservative talk radio and sympathetically wondered: "Does it bother you a ...

Lefty Rachel Maddow to Host MSNBC Special Linking Timothy McVeigh to 'Today's Anti-government Extremists'

Liberal MSNBC host Rachel Maddow will anchor an April 19 retrospective on terrorist Timothy McVeigh and whether his murder of 168 people could be linked to "today's anti-government extremists."

'Impressive!' Couric Coos After Obama Sinks a Jump Shot, Smith Frets Over 'Enmity' from Talk Radio

Looks like - hardly a surprise - CBS's Early Show on Friday morning will deliver a jovial and empathetic session with President Barack Obama. Thursday's CBS Evening News previewed Harry Smith's ...

Media Run to NYT's Defense, Accuse Vatican of 'Killing the Messenger'

On Thursday's Dylan Ratigan Show on MSNBC, host Dylan Ratigan went after the Vatican for criticizing the slanted New York Times reporting on the priest sex abuse scandal: "Blame the messenger. The ...

NBC's Brian Williams Knocks 'Hatred,' 'Venom' in Health Care Fight, Touts Objectivity

NBC Nightly News anchor Brian Williams appeared on the BBC podcast Americana on Sunday and asserted that "hatred" and "venom" were part of the health care debate. He then hyperbolically claimed, ...

CBS 'Early Show' Hits Obama from Left on Offshore Drilling

Introducing a segment on Thursday's CBS Early Show about President Obama's decision to open up some new areas to offshore oil drilling, fill-in co-host Jeff Glor warned that some of Obama's ...

Maher Credits 'Tea Baggers' for Health Care Passage, Palin First to Know About Killing 'Useless' People

Bringing his belittling commentary toward conservatives to a wider audience, on Wednesday's Tonight Show on NBC Bill Maher repeated some of the lines he's spewed in recent weeks on his HBO show ...
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