Laura Ingraham didn't waste any time getting into it with NBC's Matt Lauer, on Monday's Today, as the conservative talk show host and author took Lauer, his colleague George Lewis and MSNBC to ...
On ABC's This Week, Mississippi's Republican Governor, Haley Barbour, quipped: "I am surprised that the numbers in the Washington Post poll weren't better. I mean, since this thing passed last ...
CNN put "INCITING VIOLENCE?" on screen under video of Sarah Palin as anchor Don Lemon announced: "Sarah Palin takes on one of the highest ranking Democrats right in his own backyard, all while ...
"Today's Tea Party adherents are George Wallace legacies," the Washington Post's Colby King charged in his weekly Saturday column. "The angry faces at Tea Party rallies are eerily familiar. They ...
In the midst of liberals condemning the tone of anti-Obama conservatives, Bill Maher on Friday pointed to a vulgar and sexually-explicit text message Tiger Woods reportedly sent, which promised ...
In a Friday story on Sarah Palin headlining a John McCain campaign event in Arizona, ABC's David Wright found it somehow newsworthy to remind viewers Palin made verbal miscues in 2008 - as if ...
CNN commentator Jack Cafferty predictably revisited his Palin Derangement Syndrome on Friday's Situation Room, hours after the former Alaska governor made a campaign appearance for Senator John ...
On Monday, MSNBC host David Shuster insisted Democrats would never stoop to Nazi analogies: "[W]henever we asked Democratic leaders, 'Look, do you support using a Hitler moustache on a poster of ...
Good Morning America's weatherman and environmental alarmist Sam Champion on Friday touted Earth Hour, a call for people to sit in the dark on Saturday and reflect on climate change. Champion ...
On Friday's CBS Early Show, news reader Betty Nguyen continued the media barrage against the Catholic Church and Pope Benedict as she proclaimed: "They are circling the wagons at the Vatican, ...