On Monday's O'Reilly Factor on Fox News, NPR news analyst Juan Williams furthered the left's talking point about the tea party's supposed connection to militias, and even went so far to claim that ...
NBC's Matt Lauer, in an exclusive interview with the President on Tuesday's Today show, bought into Barack Obama's contention that opposition to the health care bill by Republicans was motivated ...
After devoting several stories to unsubstantiated allegations of racial epithets by Tea Party protesters last weekend, the New York Times almost ignored an actual death threat made against a top ...
n the 10AM ET hour on MSNBC on Tuesday, anchor David Shuster talked with Democratic strategist Craig Varoga, founder of the Patriot Majority political action committee, about efforts to "fight ...
Pivoting off a New York Times column by Frank Rich that accused tea partiers of being more afraid of "a black president and a female Speaker of the House" than by oncoming big government, Chris ...
MSNBC host Dylan Ratigan on Monday eagerly attempted to convict Sean Hannity for the supposed misuse of funds by a pro-troop organization he supports, a claim already investigated and debunked. ...
NBC on Monday night squeezed in a few seconds for the arrest of "a Philadelphia man for threatening the life of the number two Republican in the House of Representatives, Eric Cantor of Virginia." ...
On Monday's CBS Early Show, co-host Maggie Rodriguez asked political analyst and writer for the left-leaning blog Slate.com, John Dickerson, if Democrats were "worried" about the "ton of momentum" ...
Domestic terrorist group Weather Underground and the peaceful anti-tax protesters of the Tea Party movement - just "varying degrees of rage," according to a photo caption accompanying Benedict ...
MSNBC's David Shuster on Monday continued to hit Sarah Palin for supposedly inciting hate against liberals and Democrats on her Facebook page. The cable channel's graphic hyperbolically ...