
Nets Lead with 'Ugly' and 'Menacing' ObamaCare Opponents Fueled by Palin's 'Violent Words and Imagery'

Sounding more like MSNBC's Countdown than impartial newscasts, ABC, CBS and NBC all led Wednesday night by legitimizing Democratic talking points meant to discredit critics of the just-passed ...

Chris Matthews Accuses Republicans of 'Criminal' Incitement

Does Chris Matthews want Republican congressman arrested? On Wednesday's Hardball he actually posed that possibility to Democratic Congressman Chris Van Hollen, as he blamed GOP rhetoric for ...

Sanchez Hints GOP, 'Crazy Talk Show Hosts' to Blame For Violent Threats

CNN's Rick Sanchez repeatedly insinuated on his Rick's List program on Wednesday that Republican leaders and "crazy talk show hosts that are so right wing" were to blame for ten congressman ...

CBS Celebrates ObamaCare Achieving Long-Held Liberal Goal

Even before ObamaCare passed, on CBS's Sunday Morning reporter Tracy Smith touted the bill as the fulfillment of a century of liberal efforts: "After months of rancor in the streets, and ...

After Heavily Touting Online Poll, MSNBC's David Shuster Questions Survey on 'Lunatic Fringe' Conservatives

Over the last 24 hours, MSNBC's David Shuster has been heavily promoting a questionable online poll suggesting that significant chunks of Republicans think Barack Obama is the Antichrist. On ...

NYT's Main Economic Writer Says Obama-Care Will Help Fix Reagan's 'Economic Inequality'

The NYT's David Leonhardt writes: "The bill that President Obama signed on Tuesday is the federal government's biggest attack on economic inequality since inequality began rising more than three ...

NBC and ABC Morning Shows Only Report Rosiest Poll on ObamaCare

On Wednesday, both NBC's Today and ABC's Good Morning America exclusively cited the latest Gallup/USA Today poll, which shows significantly more public support for ObamaCare than other recent ...

ABC News Lay Offs Include Two Reporters Noted for Liberal, Pro-Tax Tilt

ABC News correspondents Brian Rooney and Laura Marquez "are among the ABC reporters whose contracts will not be renewed as the network looks to shed anywhere from 300-400 jobs by the end of the ...

Today Trumpets: 'Obama Celebrates New Bill As Right Wing Rants'

During a segment headlined: "Health Care Extremes, Obama Celebrates New Bill As Right Wing Rants" NBC's Kelly O'Donnell, on Wednesday's Today show, painted a stark contrast of cheery Obamacare ...

NBC's Vieira Taunts Republican DeMint: 'Is It Now Your Party's Waterloo?'

At first glance it appeared Today viewers were in for a balanced segment with NBC's Meredith Vieira interviewing both Republican Senator Jim DeMint and Democratic Senator Dick Durbin about the ...
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