As the Media Research Center's latest Media Reality Check details, over the past year, the media have served as cheerleaders for ObamaCare, praising the proposed legislation, while continually ...
Near the end of the 10AM ET hour on MSNBC Thursday, anchor David Shuster criticized Fox News anchor Bret Baier for having "interrupted the President numerous times" in a "contentious" and "heated" ...
ABC's George Stephanopoulos on Thursday lobbied Representative Jason Altmire, a Democrat who is undecided on the health care legislation, over what it will take "to change your vote from no to ...
Recycling a theme which President Barack Obama used last year at media dinners, that shows self-awareness of how journalists are allies, headlining Wednesday night's Radio and Television ...
CBS and NBC, which have delivered very friendly interviews with President Barack Obama (link below the jump to examples), on Wednesday night characterized Bret Baier's sit-down with Obama for the ...
With a disparity of five-to-one, the same network morning and evening news programs that displayed an eager interest in Mark Foley's E-mail scandal minimized the groping and tickling of Democrat ...
CBS's Chip Reid tried to discredit anti-ObamaCare protesters, claiming the Tea Party activists "tried to lobby undecided Democrats. At times, it got ugly." But Politico relayed "staff members for ...
NBC's Kelly O'Donnell, on Wednesday's Today, advanced the NBC company line on the results of a new NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll on Obamacare as she reported "Americans are evenly divided." ...
By a 12 point margin, those asked, in a new NBC News/Wall Street Journal survey, called "Barack Obama's health care plan" a "bad idea" (48 percent) over a "good idea" (36 percent.) Yet, NBC ...
Based on some mild and indiscernible shouts by people in a hallway outside the office of a House member, CBS's Chip Reid on Tuesday night tried to discredit anti-ObamaCare protesters, claiming "at ...