Three weeks after the mom on ABC's Brothers & Sisters fretted over GOP "denying global warming," the ABC drama was centered around her daughter, a GOP Senate candidate, coming under attack ...
In 2008, just four years after leaving NBC News, Jane Pauley gave the maximum allowed donation to Barack Obama and campaigned for him, proclaiming "I want to see the cool, steady hand of Barack ...
On Friday's Real Time with Bill Maher on HBO, during a discussion of Mitt Romney's recent altercation with rapper Sky Blu on an airplane, host Maher suggested that Romney might have been motivated ...
Former New York Times Executive Editor Howell Raines accuses Fox News of "a propaganda campaign against the Obama administration" that's "without precedent in our modern political history" and ...
Good Morning America's George Stephanopoulos on Friday moderated a group of mostly liberal voices to sympathize with Democratic Congressman Patrick Kennedy and, at times, former Representative ...
MSNBC's Joe Scarborough, on Friday's Today show, remarked how similar the Eric Massa case was to the Mark Foley sex scandal in 2006, and back then Scarborough went with Matt Lauer's premise that ...
Liberal comedian Jon Stewart featured a rare conservative voice on Tuesday's Daily Show, former Bush speechwriter Marc Thiessen. As he often does during the occasions he talks to right-leaning ...
Four months after "ClimateGate" exposed top climate scientists trying to manipulate data and suppress dissent, USA Today has brought forth a front-page feature article that seems aimed at ...
In an interview with Matt Damon near the end of Thursday's CBS Early Show, co-host Harry Smith helped promote the actor's latest film, 'Green Zone,' which attacks the Bush administration over the ...
Good Morning America's Jake Tapper on Thursday forced a completely unrelated rant by Representative Patrick Kennedy into a story entirely on health care. The Rhode Island Democrat's March 10 ...