Setting up Sunday's Face the Nation, CBS's Bob Schieffer described guest Evan Bayh simply as "the Indiana Democrat" while tagging Republican Senator Lindsey Graham, who is every bit, if not more, ...
It wasn't on the Fox News Channel (FNC) nor a Fox News production carried on Fox (such as Fox News Sunday), but President Barack Obama received a warm and appreciative session with John Walsh, ...
On this past Tuesday's episode of The Good Wife on CBS, viewers were treated to a scene in which a ballistics expert opens a gift, from a partner of a law firm, to find a book about Sarah Palin ...
Left-wing filmmaker Michael Moore, appearing on Friday night's Real Time with Bill Maher on HBO to plug the DVD release of his Capitalism: A Love Story screed, cited the 250,000 killed in Haiti, ...
ABC's World News on Friday night finally caught up with burgeoning Democratic scandals, though hardly showing the same zeal as when the networks incessantly focused on Republican Congressman Mark ...
Fox News host Sean Hannity picked up on MRC's study showing ABC gave six times more time to the outcry over Jim Bunning's attempt to slow the deficit than the scandal involving Charlie Rangel; ...
The Anderson Cooper 360 blog on capped a leftward trend during the week of March 1 with a post on Friday from Obama supporter Tanya Acker, who accused pro-life activists of "racial ...
Throughout the day on Thursday, MSNBC hosts repeatedly slammed the Republican Party over an RNC fundraising memo that poked fun at Democrats and their left-wing agenda.
On Friday's Today show NBC's Matt Lauer offered viewers a sneak peak of next week's exclusive interview with Karl Rove in a highlighted portion of the interview Lauer asked Rove if he was pleased ...
The night before NBC's Today show on Friday had an "exclusive" with Karl Rove to plug his new book, 'Courage and Consequence: My Life as a Conservative in the Fight' in which he assured readers ...